Friday 10 June 2022

No Festival Song For Jamaica's 60th Anniversary

It is unbelievable that in 2022, the 60th year of Jamaica's Independence, there will be  no Festival Song!. This is the second time that I have predicted that there will be no Festival Song, and I am very sad that this prediction has come true again!

Mackie Conscious

This is a sign for all of us. The Festival Song Competition over the years, has been the signature event for the annual Independence Celebrations. Although we have done some good things over the years, we are not looking too pretty these days. This year should not be just about celebrating our independence, but it should be a time for introspection. Time to look at where we are coming from, why we are here now, and just where we are heading to.


Tomorrow on SpotOn on Riddim FM I will be discussing the matter of the competition being cancelled. On Friday, June 10, I will have a chat with Mackie Conscious and Rojjah Mendez about the cancellation of the Festival Song Competition. These are two professional artistes who have participated in the Festival Song Competition in the past.


I just got word that a few artistes will be producing their own Festival Songs for 2022. I wish them all the best because they could save us the big embarrassment after that embarrassing incident at that Royal event in London. Up until now, we have not heard a word from Kings House. What a ting!!!


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Anonymous said...

Ok should be informative

Rosina Christina Moder said...

As a woman who has been traveling lots there are moments of jet lag which we can't control. Can we please have compassionate feelings to our most genuine and beautiful Lady Allen? She also could have looked down on her phone...

Rosina Christina Moder said...

The Festival Song query is important!!! Money is spent to launch Jamaica 60 here and there in foreign, and at home those creative artists who spent the entire year creating songs are once again ignored of their talent, or even pushed aside by inviting famous artists to enter, to make sure no young talent can be exposed and is getting a break 😕

Rosina Christina Moder said...

....just read a statement by Deborah Hickling on Facebook.... Hmmm... Have to better stay out of this cass cass!!!!

Rosina Christina Moder said...

Micspen said...

This is a horror story for Jamaica on its 60th Anniversary of it's Independence.An unpardonable sin and person or persons responsible should acknowledge this Festival Commission commissioned international disgrace,should apologise to Jamaica and the diaspora then pack up and go.
Follow the example of the Jamaica Football Federation in the recent Suriname fiasco.

Micspen said...

Well said Rosina and whatever happened we are
only human not programmed digitally inclined machines.

Micspen said...

That's a tragedy in any key you take it .

Nyema said...

Politics runs everything, from the small man to the big men, all want to be on top of the podium, so they will do anything to get there, the time change, new generation, their thinking cap turn sideways, brain drop below the waist and blood vessels getting squeezed, this society now have a different way of getting their own thoughts and feelings out, if its not their way then so be it, this kind of behavior hurt every aspect of life, few willing to revisit the learning process to correct themselves,so a posponed compitition is not a surprise, with the new entrance of Artist emerging who want to be heard misunderstood the concept and dont want to listen to those who have the knowledge so poor content submitted and reach file 13, now the blame game start, why? Everyone want their artist to win solution, play the game fair judg all on their merit, all entrant should attend musical workshops with Veterans and new Artist to learn the discipline of the Arts

Nyema said...

"Edit judge

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