Monday 20 June 2022

SpotOn Getting Things Done With People Power and the People's Advocate

Trucks To Be Removed After Being Highlighted on SpotOn, Riddim FM

SpotOn working with the people has scored again! Listen to the voice mail below from Mayor Norman Scott, the Mayor of Spanish Town. He has listened to the voice of the people and he has acted. 

Please share this blog with your friends, especially those who live in Spanish Town.

Thanks to the Mayor for reaching out to me and thanks to all those who shared the blog showing the pictures of the trucks in Avondale. Your support made a big difference.

All parish councils must start to perform and ensure that citizens abide by the laws.

  • Ensure that all building plans are approved before construction starts.
  • Ensure that commercial buildings do not go up in residential areas.
  • Ensure that heave duty trucks do not park in residential areas.
  • Pressure central government to give you back the responsibility to collect garbage.
  • Pressure central government give up their right to call parish council elections when they feel like. We need a fixed date for parish council elections.

SpotOn Is SpotOn Again - Minister Grange Bows To Public Pressure

Once again SpotOn was SpotOn again as host Vernon Derby lead the protest against the cancellation of the people's National Festival Song Competition. Listen to the clip below:

We should not rejoice too much though because there are still a number of questions to be answered. The following are some of the questions:

  • Why is the JCDC without a head for over 5 years.
  • Why was the a previous head not allowed into the Festival Song Competition in 2020?
  • Why it took so long to find out that the songs were not good enough?
  • Why there was no public performance of the songs before the top 10 was to be chosen.
  • Since only one song would be selected why we did not just put all ten songs out so the public could hear them all?




Click HERE  To Listen to Riddim FM

The studio line for Riddim FM is: 876 534-6999 and the office lines are  876 678-7134 and  876 679-2947. They are on the FM band 102.1, 102.3, 102.5, 102.7, and 102.9. Demand for advertising and sponsorship might be in high demand for the show so make a call soon to one of the office numbers. Riddim FM.


Anonymous said...

I would like to hear the 123 songs that were denied the the price live of airplay. I think it is so disheartening to the hopefuls to have their honest effort tossed aside .

Anonymous said...

Would like to hear all of the Festival singa

Anonymous said...

Singa played including those that were not fit for ait play

Anonymous said...

So true the songs should play first and let us hear all of them that's what they used to do .So why the changes ?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations regarding the intervention on the Festival Song issue.
It would be a truly wonderful independence gift to Jamaica if the following Three basic items were addressed:
1. Noise abatement - the loud noise from bikes , other vehicles and music are constantly terrorizing us!
2. Huts & buildings on the sidewalks - making our environment ugly & inconvenient .
3. Litter & arbitrary dumping on the streets - ugly & unsanitary.

Why is it so difficult for the parish councils & central government to address these matters - are they blind , don't they care?

Anonymous said...

The selection of festival songs must go back to how it was done in former years

Anonymous said...

I think we the people should get a chance to listen to the songs n be apart of the decision

Anonymous said...

I wish the mayor of Black River would help us too.

Anonymous said...

We need help at Haughton in St. Elizabeth at a so called scheme called Front Common. We have no roads very little water, no fire hydrants and no garbage receptacles

Anonymous said...

NB. Commercial trucks parking in Strata Apt. Buildings. 2 Benson Avenue, Kgn. 8

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