Monday 25 July 2022

NDM Calling for All-Out Approach to Crush Criminal Gangs in the Country

Michael Williams
NDM Chairman

Michael Williams, Chairman of the of the National Democratic Movement and its Spokesman on National Security is calling on Prime Minister Andrew Holness to immediately get together with the Opposition, the NDM, and the PSOJ as well as other Civil Society Groups to forge a strong response to eliminate the criminal organizations running havoc on our society.

The NDM's National Security Spokesman is asserting that not enough is being done to deal with the gangs. The party is optimistic that the new gang legislation could go a long way if the police and prosecutors are properly trained to gather evidence and secure convictions in court. He believes that there should be added legislation brought before the parliament to use wiretap information, hidden cameras and all other modern up- to-date technology against criminal gangs, BOTH KLANSMAN AND ONE ORDER.

Mr Williams believes that the government is losing its handle on the crime spree, and even with the use of ZOSO and State of Emergencies it seems like the gangs are running rings around the government and the Security Forces.

An all-hands-on-deck approach is what the NDM National Security Spokesman believes can quickly get the law-abiding citizens and the security forces combining in a show of unity to eliminate this plague that has afflicted our society for too long.

The NDM Spokesman is of the view that stemming corruption, lottery scamming and gang formation have to be top of the agenda of this confab. Additional revenues will have to be raised to fund a beefed up highly equipped security force and additional civilian volunteers will have to be drafted to help in this fight.

The NDM is convinced that the Commissioner of Police needs to be truly independent and be appointed by the Governor General, and report to a Parliamentary Committee.

That the Police be placed in a Special Category with special emphasis on University Graduates properly paid to Deal with Forensics, Intelligence and Technology.

That the 4000 more Police personnel that the Police Commissioner requested be fast tracked with University Graduates.

Prime Minister is being urged to treat this proposal with the urgency that this moment demands, and to get the Nation involved, as suggested by the recently announced STAR Project by the PSOJ.


Anonymous said...

is which part him surface from...dwl

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...

I encourage good discussions with a mature approach. Your response does not fall into any of these categories. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

The community and homes are incubators....fix the home and families we are breeding gangsters faster than we can imprison or kill them....wanted a save our boys a sensible minister of national security.....thank you Mr Williams

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