Saturday 8 October 2022

Covid-19 Must GO! The Precautions Must Remain!

Covid-19 has wreaked havoc on the world. Can you imagine approximately 6.5 million persons died from this deadly virus!  I must admit that this deadly virus has also done some good. especially for Jamaica. The environment has breathed a sigh of relief with the slowing down of certain activities. Think of it, I have not had any cold nor flu in about three years. Could that be a result of changes in our behaviour which has limited the transfer of  these viruses?

Prior to Covid-19, when we parked our motor vehicles at the supermarkets, they use to give us plastic cards in exchange. If you lost that card you had to pay for it. Since Covid-19, we seem to have forgotten about that card. If your car is stolen in the car park, could you take the card to management and they replace the card with your car? That practice has stopped since Covid-19.

Since Covid-19 we have learnt that we can work from home. For over a year, I broadcast my radio show from home and many listeners did not even realize it. Companies are now making use of VPN (Virtual Private Network). With VPN workers can stay at home and work on their computer as if they are at the office. Persons can also stay at home and answer the office telephone extension. The greatest discovery was that one can stay almost any where and join a meeting using ZOOM or other software. The country must have saved a lot on transportation costs during Covid-19. Can you imagine travelling from Montego Bay to have a meeting in Kingston or travelling from Old Harbour to attend a class at the university to hear a lecturer giving the same lecture which he has given for the past ten years?

Because many persons now work from home, we now understand the philosophy of working by objectives rather than working by the clock. When you work by the clock you work by the hour. You clock in on time and you clock out on time.  When you work by objectives and an objective has not been achieved then the work has not been completed.

Covid-19 has taught us to join a line and yet not be glued on to the person in front of you like Siamese twins. Persons went to bed earlier and of course there was less night noise because the 24 hour music boxes were silenced.

Covid-19 has taught us to once again cover our mouths when we cough.

Covid-19 has taught us to remember to wash our hands. Something we use to do before and after we eat and after we go to the bathroom. Nowadays some of us go to the bathroom and just wipe our hands in our clothes.

We also are assured that those who serve  our food at the restaurants do not spray a puff of water vapour each time they utter a word because the masks prevent that.

Finally when we wear masks, it is easier to stare and admire others without those persons realizing. Oh yes we need to see the back of Covid-19 but since Covid-19 we have had to abandon some of our madern practices and go back to some of those old time practices. As wicked as Covid-19 has been to us, Covid-19 has done a lot of good for us. I am dying to see the back of Covid-19, but thanks for those good hygiene practices which were put in place because of Covid-19. Don't think that I am strange if you see me wearing my mask long after Covid-19 has departed and I still ask you to keep your distance from me when I am in the supermarket line for example.

I know a man who lives with his two dogs and he eats, drinks and sleeps with his mask on even although no one else has ever been seen in the house. One thing for sure, those dogs will never catch Covid-19 from him.


Anonymous said...

This is a very true obersovation I trust that our people will continue the basic hygienic practices that COVID-19 had enforced on the world which is good.also the working ethics.

Anonymous said...

live this article and agree..yes covid must go.. but keep the protocols

Anonymous said...

Mask and distance in public will remain with me.

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