Sunday 23 October 2022

Former Workers of Media Company - No Compensation After Nearly Four Years

Hon. Karl Samuda - Minister of Labour
and Social Security

Things are still simmering and approaching boiling point between a well known media house and some of it's former employees I understand. One former worker claimed that she suffered health challenges which resulted from working in an environment where construction work was going on. The former employee claimed that the dust caused by the construction taking place on the building, resulted in staff members suffering from long bouts of coughing.

In a report to this blog, the staff member said that the company gave the employees letters indicating that they should work from home. The staff said that they were sent home in July 2018, and then they were called back to work shortly after. They had to leave for an indefinite period again on August 20, 2018.

Reports are that the doctors diagnosed one staff member as suffering from bronchial Asthma. The former employee is contending that she should receive compensation, but no payment has been received so far. There are also other outstanding work related payments.

The question is, what is the role of the inspectors at the Ministry of Labour and Social Security in ensuring that workers are not adversely affected by their work environment? What is the state of the Occupational Safety and Health Act 2017? Probably my legal friends can add a comment to this blog and update us. I would love to hear what the trade unionists have to say on this matter. In the meantime, these workers have monies outstanding to them they claim. They are also claiming damages resulting from working in an hazardous environment.

Who will stand up for these former management and workers of this media house? What a life, what a country! Minister Karl Samuda, I wonder if you can push some fire on this one?


Anonymous said...

Which media house is this? We the public want to know.

Anonymous said...

Workers, unions, and labour ministry have not insisted upon occupational health and safety at the work place. I had to fight my own battle for years just to get a proper chair to sit on even with a spinal injury. Work stations; desks and chairs are not ergonomically suited. Distributions of lighting is mostly poor and workers in Jamaica accept or is ignorant to. The corporate spaces are extensions of the plantocracy.

Anonymous said...

Honestly; I pray and hope that the ministry will get onto this one real quickly and help these hard working people before it is too late. Seems to me like half of our people are working while half is still asleep.

Anonymous said...

It is sad that such media house would create, nurture such an environment of employment and callously disregard the wellbeing of employees who obviously are the backbone of the organization. seems it's their own profitability is prioritized. Seriously though I'm wondering which Media house this could be...... couldnt be one that has a big following...because they should be of the mindset that it's the people who literally invest their lives into their business to woo people to become dedicated listeners..... I sincerely hope the former employees get their just recourse.

Anonymous said...

Ire FM uno must do better this is an act of wickedness, you preach justice on your station but do injustice to your staff.

Anonymous said...

IrieFM oonu fi do better. This person had been with you guys for over 20 years and yet you throw them to the curb. Come on Ministry of Labour how long must this person continue to suffer.

Anonymous said...

Compensate your employees their owed wages! This individual(s) invest their time and effort to show up for work and get the job done!
Pay up !
Value your employees!!

Anonymous said...

I can bet this is Irie fm!!! I have heard sooooo many horror stories about them, well the new powers that be…

Anonymous said...

Nope not a good look for our people, help us Lord to grow a conscience

Anonymous said...

This is injustice to the workers,Minister Karl Samuda this is an emergency please help these workers 🙏 help,help!!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous. I pray these people will get some help.

Anonymous said...

Once again the government (s) have fallen short in their handling of situations that affect the hardworking people in this country. It is so unacceptable, and it's about time we unite as a people and stand against these recurring injustices. The portfolio minister needs to step in and help to resolve this issue. Four years? That media house should be ashamed!

Anonymous said...

This has to be irie Fm they that wicked woman that claim she own the station is a evil 😈

Anonymous said...

What is the minister of Labour and social security doing about this

Anonymous said...

Wonder if is the big station cause bare tings a gwaan dung deh…

Anonymous said...

How many more will suffer before they look into irie fm affairs this evil managing director is ruining peoples lives! Time for some investigation man.

Anonymous said...

A company is nothing without it's staff, without staff there is no business there is no profit and alot of us dont remember that because we're all trying to keep our lights on & food on the table so we tolerate alot of crap but I LOVE how this staff member understand their power and standing up against mistreatment WE SUPPORT YOU!

Anonymous said...

I hope their conscience will allow them to do the right thing. People need their money.

Anonymous said...

What a kind of injustice is this these people don't have any conscience how it is that from 2018 until now and they can't reach a settlement wicked 😳

Anonymous said...

What kind of injustice is this these people don't have any conscience how it is that from 2018 until now they can't reach a settlement, wicked 😳 I pray the lord will intervene and let his will be done 🙏

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