Monday 10 October 2022

Opposition Leader Gives Update on Captured Lands in St. Catherine

Mr. Mark Golding
Opposition Leader of Jamaica

Please have a look at the video below sent out by the Leader of the Opposition, Mr. Mark Golding. I would like Opposition Leader Golding to respond to the following questions:

  • You refer to the people as residents of Clifton. Were all these people actually living in the unfinished structures and therefore can be referred to as residents?
  • Were homes demolished or partially constructed buildings?
  • Will the Opposition Leader be suing the person or persons who collected funds from these persons under the pretense that they were selling lands and homes?
  • What is the Opposition Leader's position on those who allegedly sold the land which did not belong to them?

Mr. Golding I would advise that you trod carefully less you send the wrong message to the people. You could be in government soon and you could face similar challenges created by those who feel that they are not shackled by the law!


Anonymous said...

Anything for a political inch. Mr. Opposition you are helping to mash up Jamaica

Anonymous said...

bulldoze dem..I say

Anonymous said...

Valid points Vernon. The governments & oppositions ought to be consistent - defending law & order. The parish councils are also sleeping on the job. Too many illegal constructions. Rampant squatting.

Micspen said...

More than a third of Jamaica is squatting which was started by the colonizers and cemented when there was so called Emancipation in 1838 when slaves 350,000 were forced to squat.
The mainly descendants of slaves have become independent squatters since 1962.
Does the opposition/government have a plan to eliminate squatting from Jamaica or is it the plan to republicanize and cement squatting as a feature of modern uncivilized Jamaica.
Our post Independence politicians are an utter disgrace ,they have maintained and capitalized on hapless squatters all over Jamaica for political and other expedient reasons.A quasi-colonial party going to court to sue a quasi-colonial government is mere cosmetics.The government and be opposition should work together forming an independent committee to speedily come up with an islandwide plan to make everyone own a LIVEABLE SPACE in concert with the United Nations Charter that states "EVERY HUMAN BEING HAS A RIGHT TO A LIVEABLE SPACE".

Horace Duncan said...

These structures did not spring up overnight. Didn't the authorities know the designated plans for the space? Or did they turn a blind eye to the capturing and construction on these unlawfully acquired lots? We're they benefiting from these illegal sales or were they too afraid to challenge the criminals? There are so many more questions than there are answers 🤔

Anonymous said...

I agree with you pertaining to "parish councils sleeping on the job". I have been saying the same for a long time. This issue and many others are NOT Central Government issues, they belong to the Municipalities. Indeed, they are SLEEPING on the job!

Anonymous said...

Because is not your family live there's you heart is wicked like the prime Minister unnh ppl a talk about law this govt break every law in Jamaica

Anonymous said...

The prime Minister mash up the country a ready not the opposition u are wrong about that some one of to stand up and fight for the citizen of Jamaica

Anonymous said...

To sold land that is not yours is illegal however if someone purchases property from someone who presented themselves as a representative of the government not knowing that its an illegal venture then then the government should not wait until the person spend hundreds of thousand of dollars developing the property before they intervene and destroy the person building thats wrong an cruel and i am categorically sure if these people in Clifton weren't poor and vulnerable what took place headed by the PM would not have happened. It is a known fact that government ministers and their friends are capturing prime government lands especially in sections of St Elizabeth Portland St Ann and Trelawny left right and center case in point Mr D do your investigation and find out which government minister is the owner of a peice of land in Rock Trelawny close to where the stadium was built that particular place was a playing field close to the intersection of Daniel town road and the Duncans to Falmouth main road I am sure that if you ask who is the owner the person who comes forward to say he is the owner is only fronting for the minister do your investigation and you will know which minister then ask the PM to take action and see if anything is done if poor people don't rise up and wise up soon they will see what is happening

Anonymous said...

Mark Golding is agreeing with the left of land and thugs n extortionists doing as they will with what clearly doesn’t belong to them!! Those squatters are thieves the gangsters are thieves too!! There is no way in hell that the PNP should be sanctioning such illicit activity by offering them aid!!! Shame on you mark Golding!! The stalwarts and the founders of the PNP must be ashamed to see what the party has descended into!!! Iyengar it you all that want you egg reign as of power ?!?! You’ll never get this country back again!! When the local government elections are called you all are going to lose!! When the next general election is in you’ll also get s good shellacking! It’s not good for the country to have a one party government!!! But you’re all so pitiful and pathetic that’s what’s gonna happen!! THIS IS BY FAR THE WORST PRESIDENT OF THE PNP THEY HAVE EVER HAD!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Isn’t * the*

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


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