Sunday 2 October 2022

Rains and Flooding.

The rains continue to cause significant flooding on the island even after hurricane Ian had missed the island and went on to batter western Florida in the United States of America. Damage was done to Holland Bamboo, and at least one resident lost their home when a tree fell on it.

Roads across the island became river courses. Even yesterday areas in Clarendon were flooded. Cars were caught in the floods and many were washed to the side of the road. Some motorists will have a hefty repair bill coming, assuming that some of these vehicles can be repaired.

One wonders if persons could have been warned before entering this flooded area. Many roads across the island have been badly damaged. There are craters all over the roads in the city. We should all now be aware that our roads are apparently made to carry water when there is a shower of rain. Our drains are poorly maintained and citizens often times contribute to the state of our drains by dumping all type of junk in these drains.

This is in the Lauriston Division

Flooding in Clarendon


NWC Announcement


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks Mr Derby for the update of whats going on a now the roads get worst .people have to be more careful.

Anonymous said...

Wow have to be careful on the roads

Anonymous said...

We are a largely hilly country, we make "basin" for roads and then unendingly blame "blocked drains" for our flooding problems. How about those who engineer the roads. Mr Derby, please "call out" our engineers.!!

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