Monday 17 October 2022

SpotOn On Riddim FM - Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Viveen Scott-Esmie

It will be another exciting show for SpotOn on Tuesday, October 18, 2022. My first guest for Talk Yu Talk will be Mrs. Viveen Scott-Esmie JP, Vice Principal for Four Paths Primary & Infant school. She will talk about issues facing communities in Clarendon.

Trevor Samuels

Trevor Samuels will be on next for Consumer Talk giving advice to consumers. He is an executive member of the National Consumer's League.

Dr. Llewellyn Johnson

Dr. Llewellyn Johnson will be my guest during My Health My Wealth. He has been giving some great advice on how to take care of our health over the past few weeks and of course you cannot afford to miss Dr. Johnson this week.

Donovan Wignall

Donovan Wignall President of the Micro Small and Medium Sized Enterprises, (MSME) Alliance will join me during the Business Hub.  Owners of small businesses should not miss this important segment because he will give some valuable advice to small business owners.


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