Saturday 3 December 2022

Accident in Lacovia

I got this report last night of an accident in Lacovia. The On The Ground Reporter said that the sole occupant who was unconscious, was rushed to the Black River hospital in St. Elizabeth. His condition is unknown. A light pole was completely broken in two by the impact of the car. Part of the area is now without electricity.

We are thankful that the driver is still alive and no one nearby was hurt.

It would be interesting to know who will cover the cost to replace the JPSCo post.

Pictures taken of the accident scene.

Who ever got out of this alive is a very lucky person.


Anonymous said...

it's so unfortunate that these flying objects are still on our public road and nothing is been done to control and destroy these monsters only god can help us

Anonymous said...

Omg why they won't take time & drive in the road

Anonymous said...

Don't judge. You don't know the circumstances of the accident. Was the person speeding? Lost control due to mechanical fault or physical personal failure - heart attack/ stroke/ sleep???

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So true ad also sometimes a freak accident. Pray that the person will recover

Anonymous said...

So true

Micspen said...

It has now become common place to blame the victims when in this case apart from speeding a sudden reduction of oxygen supply to the brain in seconds can cause a lapse.What about the light pole where they are placed and also material they are made of.How about the road engineering and surface .That authorities get away by selling to the public who are buying without any critical thought that it is the the seeding driver that caused it.A blame the victim always philosophy we should not buy it blindly before reading into the labels and factual occurences.
Llandovery in St Ann needs indepth investigation is a place where too many accidents of death occur needs that now among other places.

Micspen said...

Speeding not seeding.

Anonymous said...

I would believe the insurance would cover this incident if no insurance then the driver of the car.
I don't believe JPS should pass on these expenses to their customers.

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