Sunday 11 December 2022

Four Dead on Palisadoes Road!

It's another day, another day for killings and deaths on our roadways. This morning I got a report from persons that there was a nasty accident on the Palisadoes road and four persons lost their lives. Accidents can and will happen but some of these are not accidents but incidents. The effective way to significantly reduce the carnage on our roads is to remove those who have three unpaid traffic tickets off the roads immediately. That should clean up our roads significantly. 

If drivers who have been from driving on our roads for having more than two tickets then the solution is to seize their vehicles and put them away for two years at their cost in the King's Hotel.

Have a look at the pictures below:

Shocking News
Someone has just brought to my attention that a mother in St. Catherine has been arrested for video taping her two children having sex! The type of information that I keep getting from persons about what is happening in Jamaica, tells me that something is very, very wrong with us. Part of her sentencing should include her not being allowed to have any more children.


Anonymous said...

Aye sah .. taxi did haffi involve?!

Anonymous said...

Omg they need to slow down and drive speeding is the main reason for accidents in Jamaica.

Anonymous said...

Omg what careless driving

Anonymous said...

They should lock her up where sun don't shine and 20 lashes with a whip

Anonymous said...

I'm really sorry for the persons who lost their tragic but avoidable! Question....are waiting for such an 'incident' to occur on Red Hills Road before something is done about the taxis plying that route with their wreckless behaviour?

As consumers, we also have a role to play in all of this, we have a responsibility to demand better service! We are not to support this behaviour!! Our very lives are at stake!!

Anonymous said...

I was saying the same thing yesterday pertaining to the amnesty that the government grant to these unruly taxi drivers who has over 2/3 tickets, more than that and they shouldn't be driving any at all , much less trying to bargaining, Mr Derby they shouldn't be out in the Derby they allowing these people to dictate to them. How can one person have a 100 tickets ahh!? And still be driving, and have the guts to want amnesty, joke country this. K M T !! Condolences to the families.

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