Sunday 11 December 2022

National Transportation an overview - By Micheal Spencer

 The following article was submitted by a follower of my blog:

Michael Spence
Transportation to a country is synonymous to nutrient carrying red corpuscles and the blood vessels of the body .If that flow is disrupted, the body Jamaica or other country could get something synonymous to a stroke or a heart attack.

Transportation is more than a hustle to "eat a food" or a backdoor taxation/ticketed parasitic host for any government.

It is the lifeblood of any country that could account for more than as 40% of GDP when you add up all the infrastructure, such as fuel, spare parts, employment, buildings, vehicles, private and public, roads, highways, air, rail and sea assets. An  Independent Transportation Studies Institute is needed to guide a political integrated holistic action, 

Investments and policy is critical .

Mics 🖊️ pen


The writer is a business man based in rural Jamaica.

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