Monday 19 December 2022

KSAMC Cannot Handle This One! What Can They Handle?

Residents near to this overgrown bougainvillea plant on Roseneath Avenue in Kingston which is blocking the road, feels that the KSMAC has now become impotent and is unable to perform  They say that the KSAMC needs to get it's act together and start to lead this city. The city is becoming like a rudderless ship. 

If we cannot manage the construction of illegal buildings in Jamaica, deal with the atrocious driving by these  terrorist drivers on our roads, or just deal with this situation shown in the video below, then we certainly will never be able to deal with the high level of crime in our country..

Editor's Note:
Thanks to my On The Ground Reporter for sending this report in.


Anonymous said...

They need to trim the tree from the live wire

Anonymous said...

Corruption and ineptitude is rife in Jamaica what else should we expect?

Anonymous said...

Jamaica is over run by over grown trees, bushes and garbage

Anonymous said...

Serious thing. There is too much incompetence and bench warmers in our country. Call them out. Move them out.

Anonymous said... a waste of time..I have proven it

Anonymous said...

Omg what is going on

Anonymous said...

Public sector clamouring for more pay and not doing their job smh

Vernon Derby said...

The area had been cleared. Thanks to all those who assisted to get it cleared.

Anonymous said...

The area has been cleared.

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