Saturday 10 December 2022

More Killings - Porus, Manchester This Time!

Porus in Manchester

Things are getting even hotter in central Jamaica. I just got another report of a robbery in Porus which comes fast on the heels of another robbery in Christiana, Manchester. Criminals also held up a supermarket in Spalding recently. The information that I have from persons in the area, is that two persons were killed during the robbery in Porus. Reports are that the robbery took place at the Barnett Supermarket.

I have said before that businesspersons especially in the towns, need to organize themselves and get their own systems to assist them in protecting their business operations. The situation will only get worse if we just continue to tinker with the system. Only strong, short-term measures, in an environment where certain constitutional rights will be suspended for at least two years, aimed at removing the perpetuators from the society, then we might start to put a dent into this crisis. 

After we tighten up things in Jamaica, we should follow this up with a complete restructuring of the society, Accountability from the leaders down to the level of each citizen is necessary - we must be held responsible for our actions. Strong measures must be taken against corruption. Only then, we can consider starting to build a country where we are all socialized to be exemplary citizens and we understand that crime does not pay.

Where crime pays crime stays.


Anonymous said...

I agree with you Vernon. Drastic measures are needed to get us back on track. Death penalty and /or whipping, seizing all assets of the murders and their sponsors

Anonymous said...

What another family crying no some strong measures have to put in place for these murders u take a life yours must be taken too .But because these murders know that if they even catch them they spend few years in jail and that's it.

Anonymous said...

Some stringer measures needs to be done to send a message to criminals

Anonymous said...

I have always wondered, what happens to the plane load of deportees that are flown down every last Thursday of the month? How do they survive? Is there a program to have them be reintegrated back into society?

Come on people, this is a no brainer!! The situation is only going to get worse. Government is clearly incapable of doing anything.


Blaming them is a waste f thought and breath. We should each be responsible for our safety. And no I don't mean to get weapons.

Anonymous said...

we r be becoming like joke..its frightening

Anonymous said...

keep up the good work vernon. u r like a voice alone out there..but a voice thats needed

Anonymous said...

The greatest deterrent to any crime is the certainty if getting caught.It doesn't matter how many constitutional rights you take away it doesn't affect criminals if when they commit crimes there is a 98% chance of getting away.No matter how strngent the laws sound that makes law abiding citizens feel good.Jamaica is a Criminals Paradise right now and Manchester is easy pickings for growing the illigitimate sector of the Crime Industry(CI) .The ligitimate CI is playing catch-up because 11,000 JCF members cannot police the nations population of criminals effectively.Even if we were able to catch most criminals where would you put them.We have 11 prisons 7 for adults and 4 for Juveniles total capacity about 4300 and we are at about 3900.Now listen to the utterances and reason it out talk and press conferences cannot cannot curb crime.With what we have deepen and widen the intelligence networks then spearfish so you take them in or out one by one.Intelligent use of intelligence is a criminals greatest nightmare so let's turn the tables.We need in fact no less than 30,000 police so presently police is called upon to do all sorts of things without the manpower. How about also implementing the concept of the "ETHICAL DON" as consultants instead of armchair office based people who know nothing about crime except perhaps "Crime is any behaviour that attracts a fine or imprisonment" .With that knowledge now let's start with policing ourselves from the top classes of the society to the bottom we might get somewhere instead of daily growing this fast growing and most lucrative CI which may account for perhaps 15% of GDP.By the way can Jamaica survive if we eliminated crime totally what would be the implications check the thousands that live off the CI directly and indirectly the ligitimate and illigitimate sectors.

Anonymous said...

We must not be frightened, we have to stand up a fight.

Anonymous said...

You are right. Everyday you hear those who are secure talking all kinds of things. They have no clue the pain . Those benefitting from thievery must also be punished

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