Sunday 1 January 2023

Prime Minister, This is the Year To Deal With The Blood Shed Decisively!!!

Picture of the bullet

As the clock struck midnight to signal the start of January 1, 2023, fire rockets, fireworks and of course the sound of gun shots could be heard all around Kingston. I believe that all these things are illegal. The Commissioner of Police spoke about the illegality of having gun salutes but who cares and who listens to the Commissioner of Police. Police Commissioner Anderson, probably was speaking to the few licensed firearm holders because the criminals in the various communities were certainly not listening to him.

One Kingston resident reported to me that bullets came through her kitchen roof this morning while the New Years celebrations were going on. This happened in the Drewsbury and Foster Davis Drive area. The resident pointed out to me that this happened 30 years ago also. She is one lucky woman.

Let's hope that the police will be able to identify the weapon which this bullet came from, just in case they get a hold of that gun.

Mr. Prime Minister, this is your final year to deal a decisive blow on this crime problem or else your goose and our goose cook!

I will shortly be putting forward some solutions again to deal with crime and I hope the nation will start to cry out, 'Time to end this bloodshed.' and that they ensure that our leaders act to end this blood shed or pack their bags and go!


Anonymous said...

yes Vernon..they better get serious now

Anonymous said...

I totally agree Vernon

Anonymous said...

I don't know, I don't know.... a change gonna come...

A.Michael said...

Greetings my brother & lover of Jamaica too. I pray that PM Andrew will listen to you speaking on our behalf. But will he bring an end to GUNS, GANGS GARRISONS both in his & the Opposite. Only that will stop the bloodshed. Let us PRAY!

Anonymous said...

The Opposition need to become a part of the solution....stop opposing, opposing, opposing OR start proposing.....until then...'Many more will have to suffer, many more will have to die don't ask me why'!
Andrew Holness still remains one of the very BEST PM Jamaica has ever had. Let's unite and solve the problem this year....YES WE CAN!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Vernon for all you continue to do please send your suggestions to the government and hope they can review and implement to achieve crime control

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