Sunday 1 January 2023

Retribution is a Hell of a Sumting!

Gleaner Picture

"Man who attacked media workers gunned down in Clarendon" screams the Gleaner headline. Thirty-eight-year-old contractor Michael Marlyn, also known as ‘Big Head’, was shot dead along the Dampy main road in Clarendon yesterday afternoon. Oh yes I was monitoring this story and I wondered if this would be another waste of time case. We take forever to try cases and oftentimes alleged criminals get away Scot-free. Well Marlyn's behaviour caught up with him this time.

Retribution is a hell of a thing. Although he is dead, the police, the Gleaner and the Ministry of Education should try and ascertain who alerted Michael Marlyn to come on to the school compound to take on media persons.

The findings could be interesting. There could be more retribution to come. Obviously there is more to hide at that school and his job was to probably make sure that things were not exposed. Now that you are dead, I wonder who will be called next time?

I wonder why the teachers at that school are so quiet? Send this post to one of them and ask them to add their comments to the blog. They can do it anonymously.

1 comment:

Micspen said...

Is this what is referred to as Karma?
In these badman communities as one dies there is another to take it's place. like a recurring decimal filled from the criminally socialized conveyor belts not short of aspirant supplies.Many do embrace the honour of eventually being killed as a DON.Their faces painted on community heroes walls "gone too soon",local Don Rep or in persuit of such camparably proud family/community status.It should be noted that many of the real Dons are in prison, live in the diaspora happily overseas while directing extortion/financing murder and mayhem locally.

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