Friday 13 January 2023

What's Happening - January, 13, 2023

 BITU Dispute With Bureau of Standards

Kavan Gayle OD

President of the BITU Kavan Gayle has made a statement which indicate that unless certain conditions are met, then we should expect a strike at the Bureau of Standards.


Traffic Ticket 

One should only have to enter a drivers license or your car license number in the traffic ticket enquiry portal in order to find out how many traffic tickets are outstanding. I am having challenges entering my date. Click HERE for the traffic ticket enquiry portal.

Hopeton O'Oconnor-Dennie Has Died.

Hopeton O'Connor-Dennie

Hopeton O'Oconner-Dennie who was a strong strong supporter of my radio shows, has passed on. His funeral service will take place on January 28, 2023, at 1100 at the St. Judes Anglican Church in Stony Hill.


Garbage in Mandeville

When Cecil Charlton was Mayor of Mandeville this could not have been the state of Mandeville. Have a look at the video below.

Billions Disappear - Really!!!

I have been warning my supporters for years, about the financial sector. When I realized that they stopped me using my cell phone to set restriction on my phone for my banking transactions, I became very suspicious. When persons complained to me about funds disappearing from their accounts and these persons were required to sign documents before being compensated, and they were told not to discuss the matter with the media, then you know that something is very wrong.

Over JAD1 billion stolen? This could not be the work of just one persons. So one person was allowed to do all these transactions!!! Mi mighta look fool but mi no so fool. All now, di person who it is alleged committed the crime, their names cannot called

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Omg what a shame😁

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