Thursday 23 February 2023

JTA President Lasonja Harrison for SpotOn on Riddim FM

Mrs. LasonJa Harrison
JTA President

Special Guest on SpotOn on Riddim FM for Friday, February 24, will be the President of the JTA, Mrs. LaSonja Harrison. She will update us about the salary negotiations now taking place between the teachers and the government. I will also use the opportunity to talk to her about the violence in our schools and how the teachers are coping. SpotOn is aired on Riddim FM, Monday to Friday from 1000 to 1300 hours EST.

Gabrielle Gilpin Hudson
Lawyer & Realtor

For Real Estate Matters we will be talking about 'Dead Lef'. It will certainly be discussion full of life. You cannot afford to miss it. Our guest will be Grabrielle Gilpin Hudson. lawyer and realtor.


My guest on Thursday, February 23, 2023 was Morland Wilson the MP for Westmoreland Western. A lister sent in the following message after her heard the MP:

Good evening to you, sir.  Was good to hear that young mp from Westmoreland Western speaking about what he has been doing for that long neglected constituency.  Could you find out from him what is happening to the Negril beach park? And that big chunk of land that was taken in by the neighbour,  will the park be extended to allow for better and more infrastructure to be put in? Don't know if he even knew about the land that was taken in by the neighbour but it is now clear to see since survey of the neighbour's property was done. The former administration dismantled the park for many years now. It is a great disrespect to the people of Negril and the entire parish.

MP Morland Wilson responded and sent this video:


Anonymous said...

Dounds good hope it materializes👹

Anonymous said...

TPDco spent some money there but it went to nothing. Fencing etc was stolen. The front section was re-fenced but not the beach section. UDC has now put up chain preventing us from driving into the beach section or even relaxing under the trees in the park during the hot times. 15 years. What a disgrace 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

Anonymous said...

Well said Mrs. Harrison. Am always amazed at how these teachers have to toiled and labored in their classroom profession and came out with little or nothing to show for it and it seems like they are just not given the opportunity to be the best of what they truly ought to be.

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