Thursday 20 April 2023

A Message from a LIstener about Property Development

The following message was sent to the editor by a listener:

Good morning again sir, I am a big believer in Education and by extension Educating.

As you are aware, there is an exploration of property developments going on across the length and breadth of Jamaica.

The people at home and abroad need to be educated on the rules that govern these projects. Government agencies are not doing enough to let the people know of their existence and by extension how they might be able to assist them. It appears that we are at the mercy of these people who are responsible for said developments. Could you ask your real estate lawyer to address some of the guidelines that we need to know?

And here is an example:

When buying in a pre-construction situation, you are informed about the project by the representatives of said development. In most cases, it's a verbal explanation and a walk-through if a module home is already constructed.

Under the laws that currently exist in Jamaica, is the developer legally binding to give the same conditions in WRITING? That clearly outlines what you are supposed to get for your investment $$$.

I hope you will be able to make this happen asap.



Ps I know in most cases one is told that one must seek legal representation, but sometimes one has to wonder if many of them are aware of the laws themselves.


What is your experience?

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