Sunday 23 April 2023

Big Money to Purchase Home and now - Sewer Challenges.


The owner of a house at Leaf Close, Jacaranda Homes, Spanish Town in St. Catherine is having major challenges with the sewer system. The development was done by WIHCON but the homeowner says that she is being directed to go to the sewer company.

The owner contacted Cancara, the sewer company but they have not accepted responsibility for the challenge. The homeowner has advised me that an email was sent to Mr. Thompson at the St. Catherine Municipal Authority who said that he forwarded the report to the relevant department but the owner has not heard anything since.

I would love to hear from other homeowners in the scheme if they are having challenges with the sewer system also. One thing that is clear is that we have to be extremely careful when we take up our hard-earned money to purchase a property which is probably the largest amount we will ever spend in our lives.

I will seek the support of Dr. Wheatley the member of parliament, the councillor, and others to see if this matter can be dealt with in the interest of the homeowner. The homeowner has tried everything and she does not know where to go next.

Are you aware of this scheme? Can you comment on this situation?


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