Monday 24 April 2023

JTA President, Lasonja Harrison Tells It as It Is!

Recently the President of the JTA did not sign the Memorandum of Understanding with the government and many people wondered why she did not. The MOU was signed by other officers of the union. I felt then, that all was not smooth sailing and the President of the JTA was not happy with what was on the table. I felt that the President was sending a strong message to the nation about the situation with our teachers. It seems to me that many teachers voted for moving ahead due to fear of losing out on some of the possible gains if they signed later. A significant number of the delegates did not support the MOU. 

One should understand that if the agreement does not have a buy-in of say 99%, then this can result in a split in the organization. Many of you will recall that this happened in the past with the formation of the splinter group called the National Union of Democratic Teachers (NUDT). That movement was headed by John Haughton who is now deceased.

Listen to this conversation with the JTA President, Lasonja Haughton and you will realize that all is not well with our teachers. I have also been getting feedback from some of the teachers and this has confirmed my position.

Audrey Williams

Audrey Williams, Manager, Media and Public Relations at the JPS, will be my guest for Talk Yu Talk.

Dr. Llewellyn Johnson

Our popular doctor, Dr. Llewellyn Johnson will be with us for Your Health Your Wealth. Dr. Johnsons comes to us from the cool hills of Mandeville in Manchester.

Trevor Samuels

Trevor Samuels from the National Consumers League will join me for Consumer Talk. He will be giving some valuable tips as usual to the consumers.

Kwame Smith

Finally, you cannot afford to miss Kwame Smith Financial Solutions Manager at JMMB Group Ltd. and he will have quite a bit to tell you about investing your money wisely. He will join us for the Business Hub.


Listen to Riddim FM

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok dounds good👹

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