Wednesday 24 May 2023

Ethnie Simpson Miller - A New Entrant into Jamaican Politics


Ethnie Miller Simpson

Ethnie Miller Simpson is the candidate who will represent the PNP in the Manchester North Eastern constituency. She will be going up against Mr. Audley Shaw. She will be my guest on SpotOn on Thursday, May 25, 2023. This caretaker candidate is a lecturer and also a businesswoman. 

I will love to hear from those new candidates who plan to enter politics because the people need to know who you are. Your constituents need to know what are your positions on various matters affecting the country.

Opal Lee

Opal Lee will join me for Travel Matters also. Those who plan to visit or plan to migrate to the United States should not miss Travel Matters. 

SpotOn is a show on Jamaican radio that is spot-on. It is the people's show where the people set the agenda.



Anonymous said...

Ok wish her all the best💨

Anonymous said...

As a lecturer and businesswoman she should have a holistic view regarding aims and objectives of education connected to national growth and development.lets hear her on that

Anonymous said...

A very good choice for North Eastern Manchester. She knows the needs of the people and will address them give her the opportunity to do so

David Milk said...

A daughter of the soil. Born and grown here and has the vision and determination to make all of NE Manchester the mighty place it should be.

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