Saturday, 15 July 2023

Bitten By A Centipede? Worst Than Labour Pain!!!

It was a quiet night when human beings and even dogs were lost in dreamland and I was busy as usual. working at my computer. I felt something creeping on the top of my foot. Booth feet were partly out of my slippers. For a moment, I thought it was a roach so I instinctively used my other foot to kick off what was crawling on my foot.

I immediately felt a piercing bite which was followed by a sharp pain. This jolted all my senses and I looked down to ascertain what was happening. When I looked, I saw this creature, that I had not seen in many years. It was a centipede which some persons call a forty leg. This centipede is referred to as a house centipede (Scutigera coleoptrata). This was a fully grown insect and was about three inches long.

I felt intense pain and I was losing some movement in my toes. I called Doctor Donovan Jackson because I was concerned about having any serious allergic reaction and also that the wound could have difficulty in terms of its healing.

It was no longer just intense pain that I was feeling but I felt as if my foot was placed over hot coals and the burning sensation was now becoming unbearable. I was told to take an antihistamine tablet and advised to keep in touch with the doctor. I did my own research using the world wide web and various sites advised me to run hot water over the area where the centipede had bitten me because this would help to dilute the toxins which the insect had injected into my bloodstream. After some time I used a pack of ice to help to relieve the swelling on my foot.

I used a disinfectant to clean the area and then applied a small amount of antibiotic cream on the affected. area. The excruciating pain continued, but it was clear to me that it was going to be a restless night for me. It was a night of twisting and turning and the pain continued to be intense. The foot became slightly swollen and red. By the next day, the pain had subsided although the area was still very sensitive. 

I am still lucky that I did not have an adverse allergic reaction to the centipede bite. Someone said to me that because the place has become so hot, many of these creatures are looking for cool areas to hide like in our homes for example.  Being bitten by a centipede feels like being bitten by a thousand bees in the same spot. It is pain that is now etched in my memory which not even dementia will erase. I still jump when I feel a leaf touches my foot thinking that it could be another centipede. With all respect to my lady friends if labour pain is hotter than this, then I give thanks that I was born a man.   



  1. I am so happy that the recovery time was reasonable. Thanks for sharing this lesson.

  2. Wow! Glad you did not have more serious reactions. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I heard it is dangerous I am here in America for the holiday and saw it out side and the children trying to catch it said they want it to play with i told them it will bite them and they are saying no it wont so am wondering if is two type one that bite and one that don't bite

  4. If the centipede is a small one the bite might not be too bad but a fully grown one can deliver a dangerous bite when the venom gets into your bloodstream.

  5. Happy you're feeling better both my daughter (12 yrs old) and myself have been bitten the busy tea helps as well we only had pain no other reaction think the tea help alot

  6. Oh no Vernon! So so sorry to hear about your centipede saga. I am happy that you are ok and it wasn't worst.

  7. So sorry to hear but happy you are ok

  8. Wow was bitten by one long time ago😆

  9. Gm happy u are feeling better .

  10. I was bitten once and had to spend a day at the hospital.

  11. Ouch!!!!!
    Hush Mr Derby. I can just imagine the pain.
    Thanks for sharing. I am now more vigilant. You see, I have killed at least 6 of the "Forty Legs" ( although it look more than 40 to me) over the past 3 years. I am on high alert ever since seeing the first one.
    I've always been grateful none have decided to get close to me. All my sightings have been after dark, lights off, I get up to go bathroom or get water and notice 'something' against the white tiles that wasn't there before I retired.
    Thankfully, I've killed them all and have been scrutinising the floor since then - carefully stepping off my bed and observing the floor before stepping down. Because in my early years I grew up with scorpions as uninvited guests and I saw the pain their bites inflicted, to this day even at 64 years, I have followed my Grandfather's habit and knock out my shoes and slippers before inserting my feet.
    Now, when I sit I will also pay close attention to my feet area intermittently.
    Aye sah!
    Stay safe my friend and I hope you are doing much better now.
    Blessed Love 🙏🏾

  12. I had a very interesting encounter with a centipede last week. I was working on my lawn and took off my garden gloves and left them on the lawn while I went upstairs to answer my land line which was ringing. At the end o the phone call I donned my gloves with the intention of returning to my chores. As I put the right glove on I felt claws grabbing at my middle finger. Insinctively, I flashed the glove from my hand. Yes you guessed it. Out crawled s four inch centipede from the section of the glove where my middle had been. Fortunately, my swift action prevented me from being bitten. Thank God.!!!

  13. Michael Chamunda17 July 2023 at 15:56

    So sorry to hear Mr. Derby... Glad you will survive. Blessings 👍🙏


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