Sunday, 23 July 2023

Jamaica’s Fast Food Industry: A Call for Improved Customer Respect

Recently, a friend shared a disheartening experience at one of Jamaica's modern fast-food establishments, prompting a pressing need to address an issue affecting not just seniors but all citizens. As someone who doesn't hesitate to speak candidly, he reached out to me, urging me to raise our collective voice on behalf of the customers who support these fast food businesses.

The incident occurred while my friend, a senior citizen, patiently waited in a long line for his order at one of these popular fast food joints. As the wait grew longer, he found himself in need of using the restroom facilities. To his dismay, he was informed that there were no public restrooms available for customers. Instead, there was a solitary restroom designated for staff use only.

Understandably, he was outraged by this lack of consideration. How is it that in these modern times, money-making fast-food operators fail to provide essential facilities for the very public that supports them? He questioned whether there exists any law or regulations mandating food establishments to provide bathroom facilities for their customers.

It is imperative that we, as consumers, hold these fast food businesses accountable for their responsibilities towards us. We cannot overlook the fact that it is the thousands of Jamaicans, including seniors, who contribute to the success of these establishments, generating substantial revenues. The Island Grills, the Mothers, Tastee, Juicy Beef, KFC, Wendy’s, Popeyes, Burger King, Tutti Frutti, and others should remember that their success is built on the loyalty and patronage of the local community.

We must insist on better practices that prioritize customer comfort and respect. Access to clean and conveniently located restroom facilities should not be a luxury but a standard expectation. Seniors, in particular, should not be subjected to unnecessary inconvenience, especially when the restroom facilities are inconveniently positioned far from the public areas in large malls.

Therefore, we call on these fast-food businesses to reevaluate their policies and prioritize the welfare of their customers. It is time to step up and make necessary changes in the interest of the very community that supports them. By addressing this fundamental need, they demonstrate a commitment to customer satisfaction and a genuine concern for the well-being of their patrons.

Let us come together to urge the fast food industry to do better and set a standard of excellence that upholds the dignity and comfort of every customer they serve.

Written by Mrs. Lois Grant - JP, MA, BA. (Hons) Dip Mass Comm, Cert. Broadcast Journalism BBC-London. 

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  1. We are not only lagging but crawling behind where customer service is concerned. It is a shame in these modern times.

  2. Name the fast food restaurant. This suggests all are to blame. I'm not sure what public health laws there are, but there should be. Same thing obtains for banks and supermarkets that don't provide facilities. Name them publicly

    1. ...NAME the restaurant ??! Let me say:- i've experienced 2 previous incidents involving undesireable / managerial regulation in resta

  3. I agree customer service in Jamaica is terrible

    1. ...In fairness & accuracy, one should avoid "painting with too broad a brush.." There r MANY service establishments in Jamaica which pay satisfactory attention to public need.

    2. overstanding is...constitutionally there IS statute requirament for places in Jamaica accommodating diners -- to have toilet facility provided.


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