Thursday, 3 August 2023

Figure Out This Advertisement & You Are Ahead of All of Us!!!

This advertisement is all over the Internet. It appears on my blog and also in online newspaper publications. I posted a picture of it in my blog and my readers ignored it. Once again I ask my readers to view this advertisement and see if you identify anything funny about it. If you don't, you will realize how promotional material can penetrate your thoughts and possibly indoctrinate you and you do not even recognize it.

Here is the advertisement again and let me know what you think.



  1. Social media posts are a phenomenon that, if we read them, we choose to believe or disbelieve. This post is for young people who have the time and the money to throw away on foolishness ๐Ÿ˜’

  2. One pic shows two muscular men in tight embrace. Others are designed for shock and awe.

  3. But why dwell on it anyway. It's quite easy to ignore it

  4. I have seen it before but didn't look at it since I know how one builds muscles and any overnight suggestion is either impossible or designed to kill you sooner rather than later.These quick body fixes are never good or healthfully safe.

  5. Am really trying to figure out ๐Ÿค” if a man dem a promote, because two different times men a hug up tight. A no sugar them a promote. Seems like dem a men with muscle mass.

  6. Roll my eyes & shake my head - clearly I'm dated because I didn't use the abbreviations - smile.
    Seriously, I would pass this over BUT when Mr D pointed out the details of the picture, I can't help but wonder ( just wonder) is this another subtle way to influence a certain lifestyle/ ideology? Especially on the heels of reading certain laws passed in some foreign jurisdictions. Hmmmm????

  7. 3 August 2023 at 16:40
    Roll my eyes & shake my head - clearly I'm dated because I didn't use the abbreviations - smile.
    Seriously, I would pass this over BUT when Mr D pointed out the details of the picture, I can't help but wonder ( just wonder) is this another subtle way to influence a certain lifestyle/ ideology? Especially on the heels of reading certain laws passed in some foreign jurisdictions. Hmmmm????

  8. I too glazed over the ad, didn't even look at all the pics until Mr. D insisted and lo and behold.....whose agenda is this promoting? Sub-liminal messaging, suggestions, who is the target market, what kind of lifestyle are 'they' depicting?

    I am very concerned about the sinister agendas, the propoganda and the simmering impact of social media.

    You are correct Mr. D, there is cause for concern....this advert is disturbing and I have no idea what the product is!!?

  9. Is muscle building they r advertising not sugar๐Ÿ˜

  10. These pics raised my antenna same time


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