Monday, 28 August 2023

More Pay Less Work - More Suffering for the Poor Taxpayer!

 This is what was reported about somewhere in Kingston.

It got worse after they looked at it and saw nothing wrong.

They fixed it and this is what it looks like now.

This could become famous - the leaning fire hydrant. The hurricane season is here and I expect this sidewalk to disappear when the rains start.

Can you guess who did this?  This is the philosophy of Jamaica - More salary and less work in Jamaica Land We love.

If you see a case similar to this one or a road that has not been fixed properly, then take some pictures and send me a report by WhatsApp at 876 816-5261.

I get hundreds of messages each year from people complaining about the service that many workers deliver, and yet very few are willing to share these pictures and put them in the limelight. If you share pictures like these, I guarantee that these workers will improve their service because management and the government will be aware of what they are doing. Many times we cuss the politicians when it is some workers who don't care about how they treat the rest of us.



  • A Bark Di Trute Supporter is looking for a one-bedroom apartment to rent. 
  • A Bark Di Trute supporter has eggs for sale.
  • A Bark Di Trute supporter is looking for a house or an apartment in Eden Gardens Vineyard Town, Liguanea, off Old Hope Road, Hope Road, near New Kingston or in close proximity to these areas.  If none is available the person will go further like Barbican or Havendale.
  • A Bark Di Trute supporter needs a job to work as a technical operator in a radio station or any other place where he can utilize his knowledge working with computers.


Bark Di Trute needs your support. Click HERE and register to be a supporter. Join the movement to make Jamaica and the world a better place.

If you want to join the WhatsApp Community Group called Bark Di Trute to give support to the fight against crime then, CLICK HERE

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  1. Gm they need to finish the job that they started

  2. Omg they need to get the work done👹

  3. Oh my gosh! These people need to be fired, too much slacking up, and no one to be held accountable.

  4. This all started with the dismantling of Parish Council s and Public Works Department, so kay the blame on PJ Patterson. He himself said that was his biggest regret. A so you Foundation Fren say! Now she country is inundated with scammers of all kinds, and at all levels!

  5. Another example of poor governance & management. NWC has 3 similar defects on Mannings Hill Rd, behind Havendale. KSAC, councilors, MPs, ministers do not seem to care. Tax payers money going to waste.


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