Monday 7 August 2023


Lois Grant with her son - a young
Throughout the years when  I journeyed through the quaint villages of Mount Industry and Glengoffe in St. Catherine, Jamaica, I'm in awe of the indomitable spirit, foresight, and resilience displayed by my father's generation. 

From those rugged, mountainous terrains once inherited by the descendants of slaves, they ventured to the 'big city' and to strange foreign lands,  to carve their destinies. Many became the driving force behind our beloved nation, Jamaica.

Young Jamaican
As we commemorate 61 years of independence, we acknowledge that there's still much to be achieved on our growth journey. Yet, we've made remarkable progress. Those little villages, once home to the ancestors of the oppressed, have fostered and nurtured Jamaicans who now lead at home and abroad, leaving an indelible mark on the world stage.

Indeed, you'll find a Jamaican influence everywhere you look. It's a challenge to identify a place on this planet untouched by our brilliance. We're making waves and impacting every corner of the globe. 

Take, for instance, Tanya Chutkan, the Jamaican-born appointee of former President Barack Obama. Her rise to prominence demonstrates our unwavering determination and excellence.

While many may boast of her famous family history, my heart is captivated by those who emerged from humble beginnings, overcoming odds stacked against them. Their parents, unable to read or write, instilled in them the courage to reach for the stars and shun a life of mere toil.

Young Darrick with his dad

Today, as I gaze upon the next generation, I'm filled with immense pride in their accomplishments. They continue to toil tirelessly, becoming the pilots they have always dreamed of becoming, the digital multi-media creators, the vets, educators, architects, lawyers, doctors,, engineers, and entrepreneurs.

They are the true heirs of my generation, stepping boldly into their roles as tomorrow's leaders.

Through solid education, they are elevating Jamaicans at home and across borders, taking our nation to new heights. With unwavering determination, they carry the torch forward, igniting Jamaica's path to greatness. They are the beacon of hope, the ones who will lead us to a brighter future, forever weaving their legacy into the tapestry of our beloved homeland.

Written by Mrs. Lois Grant - JP, MA, BA. (Hons) Dip Mass Comm, Cert. Broadcast Journalism BBC-London. 

Editor's Note: 

Lois has been involved in broadcast media and she also operated her own media and entertainment company. She worked as a Director in the Office of The Prime Minister. 

She made a major impact in helping many talented Jamaicans to achieve stardom while she was the organizer for the Tastee Talent Competition. Through the work and initiative of Lois Grant, people have gotten scholarships to pursue studies in the field of entertainment and communications.



Anonymous said...

So true😢

Anonymous said...

Very good inspiration

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