Thursday 28 September 2023

Bark Di Trute Reports From Readers

 I have started to take consumer and other reports on my Bark Di Trute page. There is a link on the right side of the page to make your reports.  If you feel like supporting the work that I do, then send a WhatsApp message to 876 816-5261. The following are some reports received from my readers: (Click here to send me a report)

Treatment to person's with disabilities


No Digicel signal in my community 


"Good night sir

I got your number from my aunt. I am xxxxx from xxxxx. I am in fear for my life sir. My mentally challenged cousin started threatening my life out of the blues. He made it clear that his number 1 priority is to kill me and I have no idea why! I don't know what he envies me for but it's clear that he wants to kill me. He is a psychopath and he resists his medications/injections.

Please sir I am seventeen (17) and I'm asking for some help or assistance.

Thank you"


"So the issue we having is that where Romish entertainment is on Campbell's Blvd off Waltham is noise problem l.

Every Wednesday night to Thursday morning is like the forget that there is working class people in the area and they no stop keeping loud music and bike rage in the morning and night time.

There are times he keep dance and when artist from over seas come they block off the road too it's very uncomfortable people have kids young children babies in the area

It's very disrespectful disturbing and not even healthy I have sleep less nights and migraines every week no rest

Another issue on Waltham below Campbell's Blvd there is a heep a garbage on the road side when people walking pass there we have to walk in the road people from out the area in their cars come there an put their garbages it's very nasty when rain fall all the garbage run down the road in the water and mess up and block drains


There was a fight between patient and a doctor at the St. Ann's Bay Hospital.


JPS has sent out an email about noon today informing customers that as of tomorrow - 27th - they will no longer accept cheques as payment for JPS bills.  I pay bills for some Stratas which do not have the on line facility - so payments cannot be made on line - I was told that I could pay in cash - so one would have to go and stand in a bank line to get cash, and carry the cash to make payment.  All this is with just a few hours notice. I think this is unacceptable.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Most family members Are not able to manage their mentally challenged family members in their house hold while some are lackadaisical and don't care, they take it as nothing, imagine you have a 17 yrs old in your house been threatened and he had to take matter into his own hands, you don't know when these people will snap, hope he got help,
J.P.S should have given more notice than that, that's not good at all, this new person running it not going on good at all.

Jamaica needs some party central away from regular citizens I'm telling you the music is bad and not so bad, but the bikes are at a different level where noise is concerned.

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