Saturday 2 September 2023

Breaking News - Marlon Jones Found

The police have reported that Marlon Jones the man who lived in Acadia has been found alive.

Click HERE for more information.

If you have further information then send a WhatsApp message to 876 816-5261.

I suggest that the police should pay a visit to the apartment where Marlon used to live because the residents feel very unsafe there. They need to talk to the residents and reassure them. There is the belief that other persons in the complex will be targetted and kidnapped.

I am also getting information that either Mr. Jones works at the Ministry of Health or he is contracted to work there but you knows that it is not easy to get information. Sometimes one has to put the information out and then you know that someone will respond.

Other Readings

Marlon Jones missing - Police not aware.

More on Marlon Jones

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Anonymous said...

That's good they found him alive thank God😘

Anonymous said...

Well thank the Lord he's alive

Anonymous said...

He is alive

Anonymous said...

This kidnapping business have been going on for quite sometime. The one I know about is the so-called Don Tesha Miller who has been doing 40 yrs in jail is actively conducting his kidnapping business from his cell phone and boast how he has 170 men on staff. He sends out his men to kidnapping people then demands Ransom from the victim's family in the form of a payment agreement or the victim will be killed. If the Government could monitor or restrict the cell phone thcrime would significantly reduce. He says since he is doing almost life he doesn't care. NO PRISONER SHOULD BE ABLE TO STAY IN JAIL

Anonymous said...

Thank God He is alive

Micspen said...

Are Missing persons being Kidnappedfor Ransom*???

Don't you realize a not so new business in developing in the illigitimate sector of the crime industry.
Taking people hostage then demanding ransom.
Families are afraid to contact the police fearing they may endanger their loved ones lives.
That is why the police knows nothing about many of these missing persons until after the fact.
Do you recall the Ms Edwards(RIP) a gas station operator on Hagley Park Road was kidnapped with a ransom demand ,she was however killed.
Some of the participants are back on the road in the St Andrew area,Kgn 6
The police intelligence network ñeeds to deepen and widen their operations and get to work to stop them before they act and if they do they are caught swiftly.
This is a most fearsome crime on any person.
By the way,have criminals turned Jamaica into a world class Criminals Paradise???

Anonymous said...

Give thanks, I understand is three females set it up

Anonymous said...

I have no doubt. I hope the investigation is not over because the behaviour could be repeated, and the end is death.
We need to have a register of persons reported missing, and the status of the report, i.e. returned home on own, found by police, etc.

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