Thursday 21 September 2023

Greg Christie Should Follow the Speaker of The House and....

Greg Christie
Executive Director - Integrity Commission

Once again I believe that it is time for Mr. Christie to step aside. The nation is tense at this time based on comments made by political leaders and other persons. We have heard of a place coming under attack and persons have linked comments made with the attack.

This comment by Mr. Christie in response to a question asked by a journalist, will elicit different responses depending on one's position.  "Ask the government?" This is a very strange response to a question. There is a feeling among many Jamaicans that there is no love lost between Mr Christie and the Government. They feel that Mr. Christie is trying to bring down the government because he is a supporter of another party. This may not be true, but his response to the reporter will fuel that argument. 

I believe that Mr Greg Christie should follow the Speaker of the House and pack his bags. I believe Mr. Christie means well, but the things that he does and says, especially his posts on social media are creating too much noise and the integrity message is lost in a maze of ego. This is not good. Politicians are making negative comments about the Integrity Commission and Mr. Christie's attitude put together can make us all lose confidence in the Integrity Commission.

Click HERE and listen to this video of Greg Christie responding to a journalist.



Anonymous said...

Under which government did Mr Christie become the Contractor General? Weren't they surprised when he took put his whip on them? But may be he has a new found love for them and nonetheless benefitted more under their regime.

Anonymous said...

I dont know much of Mr Christie but I did see a short clip with that comment and my immediate reaction was ' hiw unprofessional'. Particularly disturbing knowing his position.

Anonymous said...

This kind of reasoning also adds fuel to the fire. The JLP is not the Government. The JLP leads the Government. So, if Mr Christie is trying to bring down the Government, he will also bring down the party you claim he reportedly supports.

Micspen said...

Could be money but if money does the IC collect or disburse money.
If documents what documents and in whose interest would those documents be stolen.
Could the shooting and robbery be a part of a political Chess game to send certain messages as general elections draw nearer.
Remember that things are not always what they seem to be.

Anonymous said...

Does it matter? The labourites were trying to be nice but, alas!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My response was, how could he say that? As it now appears, it looks like the man was trailed from the bank, having withdrawn a certain amount of money

Anonymous said...

Could be his personal money. Good questions

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