Sunday 17 September 2023

JTA President for SpotOn on Monday, September 18, 2023

Leighton Johnson JP
JTA President

The President of the Jamaica Teachers' Association (JTA) Leighton Johnson, will be the special guest on SpotOn With Vernon Derby which is aired on Omega Radio. He will be on during Be My Guest from 1400 to 1500 hours EST. SpotOn is heard on Omega Radio on 89.1 FM and 89.3 FM in Jamaica. It's also heard in Fort Lauderdale in the United States of America at 101.9 in Fort Lauderdale. You can also download the Omega Radio app on your phone.

The JTA website says that Mr. Johnson has worked in the field of education for over two decades, showcasing exceptional qualities as an educator and a strong commitment to nurturing young minds for the future. His journey from an inspiring teacher to a visionary principal and ultimately becoming the 59th President of the Jamaica Teachers' Association exemplifies the powerful combination of passion, hard work, and unwavering faith in the transformative power of education.

Mr. Johnson is the Principal of Muschett High in Trelawny. His educational journey included completing his Caribbean Examination Council Certificate at DeCarteret College and obtaining his A ’Level Certificate from Knox College. As he progressed, it became evident that his true calling was in the field of education. He enrolled at Church Teachers' College, earning a Diploma in Secondary Education. Fueling his passion for continuous learning, Johnson pursued higher education and obtained both a master’s degree and a bachelor’s degree (Hons.) in Educational Administration from the University of the West Indies, Mona.

Last week I had the JTA Past President Mrs. Lasonja Harrison and this week the President is my guest.

Other guests for SpotOn on Monday will be the Past President of the Pharmaceutical Association of Jamaica, Dr. Winsome Christie who will join me for Talk Yu Talk. 

Miss Nadine Williams and Mr Anthony Gayle will join me for Consumer Prices.

Dr. Winsom Christie
Past President
Pharmaceutical Association of Jamaica

Anthony Gayle
Consumer Prices Reporter

Nadine Williams
Consumer Prices Reporter


It's Just a Click


Anonymous said...

Ok should be informative👹

Anonymous said...

Love hearing Nadine,
I didn't hear anything about the new president elect it was quite this year, I can't believe mrs Lasonja tenure is up already

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