Friday 15 September 2023

The Nastiness Continues In Jamaica!!!

Jamaica is known as 'The Land of Wood and Water', but is now becoming the 'Land of Nastiness' The NSWMA (National Solid Waste Management Authority) is not there for us to create the nastiness for them to clean it up. Have a look at the pictures below which were taken in the capital of the city and see if you can guess where these pictures were taken.

Please add your comments below and send a clear message to our leaders which will encourage them to take the necessary action to dissuade persons from treating our environment like this.



Anonymous said...

It look like legislation with strong penalties alobe can stop this nastiness. Nastiness is innate and only legislation with teeth and those with strong social values will see to its implementation.

Jen said...

Linstead is fast getting there too

Anonymous said...

It's a shameful sight people r so nasty omg👹

Anonymous said...

National Heroes Circle of all places!!! More reason for all primary level students to be taught Civics & all secondary level students must leave school with a Food Handlers Permit

Anonymous said...

These people Seems to plan how to take nastiness to another level. They know exactly where nobody lives. They know how to outsmart everybody else. And if you are not careful. They will outsmart themselves 😲. Honestly this is very frightening.

Can the authorities and our clean, clean citizens get together and comes up with some bright ideas how to outsmart these nasty people. Somebody needs to bell the 🐈 cat before the cat scratch us all. Now that would be a great fall. Then everybody start to that would be a fall. We need to stand tall. I rest my case!

Anonymous said...

LMA.This certainly does not represent Brand Jamaica.

Anonymous said...

Proper managenent of the country & towns is lacking because the government and parish councils are poor managers &/or do not care.

Anonymous said...

If we want to change the litter culture in Jamaica, we may have to begin at home and continue within the schools. At least we may see a change in the next generation.

Anonymous said...

Before he got "infected", Rudi Guiliani transformed public spaces in NY by attending to the little, "unsexy" things like littering, public parking, noise pollution etc. We like big, sexy things such as toll roads.
"Small sins lead to big sins. Small offences lead to big offices".

Anonymous said...

Fast becoming Land of Wood,Dutty water,nastiness and Criminals.

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