Monday 30 October 2023

Earthquake Shakes Jamaica

Jamaica just had an earthquake at 1057 EST  Please let me know if you have had any damage to your premise or if anyone is hurt. Send WhatsApp message to 876 816-5261. You can send a voice mail which I will play in air.


Anonymous said...

Yes felt the quake in st Elizabeth👹

Anonymous said...

The Lord is showing them that he is still in control

Anonymous said...

I am ok Tomlin

Anonymous said...

Remember that God has made His world that is all link by platelets so he can shake wherever He wants to shake. Man must know that there is a mighty God In Jamaica. Even if they do not want to put their Trust in Him. However; they must know that a him run things and not the so call god's of God's amazing world.

Anonymous said...

Yes I was in my bed laying on my back....i saw the ceiling swinging it's deck so you can imagine, I open the door and stood under the jam.... looked outside the light post shaking....light was out 9 miles Bull Bay

Anonymous said...

I was at the supermarket when there came this strong shaking..Things began falling from the shelves.Persons were screaming. It was indeed very scary

Anonymous said...

It felt really heavy and scary . In supermarket in Portmore mall area things falling from the shelves

Anonymous said...

I sit in a chair in my room and the house started shake things a fall off my dresser I turn idiot couldn't move and the house a deck top Lord have mercy

Anonymous said...

I hope there are no injuries reported.

Anonymous said...

I hope there are no injuries!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I was in my kitchen standing by the peninsula counter, which is under the supporting beam of a two story townhouse. An end unit, of a cluster of six townhouses.

There was a terrible sound accompanying the sharp movements and rumblings and vibrations and I figured that where I was standing could be the safest place to be at the moment.

After the movements stopped I tried calling my neighbour on what's App but the electricity power was off, so no internet. Tried calling straight, no connection. Networks not working. This was really the strongest earthquake I had ever experienced in Jamaica.

I had my wits in tact and waited for the aftershocks, which came. I also thought about what I needed to put in place, emergency wise. Not only for earthquakes but everything..

We need an Emergency bag packed and ready, just in case we have to be rushed to hospital. We need one in our car with water, crackers, and other nonperishable items. A container to pass our urine, tissue ,
because on a normal day we could be gridlocked in traffic, can't move,and also have children in the car.
We need a First Aid kit. Flashlight and batteries, energy bank to charge you phone, smelling salts.
Let us begin to think *WHAT IF*
Because on a bright sunny day the unexpected could happen.

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