Sunday 29 October 2023

Failure To Deal With Crime Effectively, Could Result in Increase in Jungle Justice!!!

Alleged yam thief

If our leaders in Jamaica don't take charge of the crime situation, then the people will take it over. Jungle justice will be the people's cry. People will claim that the state is not protecting them and their assets, and they will take matters into their own hands.

I received a video of someone mercilessly giving an alleged yam thief a thorough betting with a machete. The machete came smashing on the alleged thief's buttocks and on his back. He grimaced in pain, calling for God...God while begging for his life. He was lucky that the machete did not slip with the sharpened edge splitting his rear end. 

Have a look below and see how the people deal with a yam thief:

This original video was definitely not a pretty sight. Those poor farmers spend nearly a year nurturing their plants only to see a lazy young man reap what they have worked for.

Editor's Note:

Recently persons were concerned about the National Security Minister's comment about police and shooting criminals. If a criminal is armed with a gun, it is clear that he intends to use that gun. The second that a police takes to figure out which toe to shoot to disable the criminal he could end up with a bullet in his heart. A criminal who confronts police with a gun intends to commit suicide. The police choice then is to call in the undertaker!


  • Man killed in Montego Bay.
  • A video was just sent to me with a JPS pole on the ground along with an injured woman. This is in Browns Town. If you have more information about the incident then send a WhatsApp message to 876 816-5261.



Just sis G said...

The people them tried of the Thief them so they have to take justice in there hand who in charge not doing anything to help.Too much of that now .Thanks for sharing sir

Anonymous said...

Wow this is the best way they can get justice so sad๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ’ฉ

Anonymous said...

Jungle justice/mob justice is definitely an indictment on the constabulary force(cops) and the judiciary!! I never forgot the coo who told an elderly farmer some years ago to do what ever he needed to do to stop the two foot puss dem whey a reap what they have not sewn!!! That shows you that some members of the constabulary force believe in mob justice!!!

Anonymous said...

So police suppose to be on every farm ,you talking rubbish, it can't be an indictment on cops it's on the court ,the judges that are letting the criminals go

Anonymous said...

God Almighty help us!!!! We are in serious crisis as young people are seeking the easiest way to live. We could have been in a better place today if we were properly and seriously enforcing our laws and policies decades ago. The government in the early 1980’s developed a policy to deal with praedial larceny and at the time I was in the National Youth Service working with the St. Mary Lands Authority as a Field Assistant.
The policy was to recruit persons through the Constabulary Force and train them as Agricultural Wardens. These wardens would then be deployed across the country in communities especially those plagued with “farm thieves” to help the police curve this monster of praedial larceny.
I was among a group of youngsters recruited at the recruitment centre at East Street in Kingston. We were medically examined and then taken to the blood bank where one bag of blood was extracted from each of us. I received a bottle of malted brew after and was given the assurance that we would be contacted for further training. Between 1982-1983 the recruitment drive continued and then it died with the wind.
After almost 40 years there is still no seriousness or will on the part of our law makers and law brokers to deal decisively with this scourge that has been plaguing our country’s agricultural sector.
I am now 59 years old, a trained professional looking towards retirement. Should I have sat and waited on the system to call me to service as an agricultural warden - imagine what my status would be today? The system has failed us miserably, and day by day we are heading in a direction of great uncertainties.
May God Almighty help us!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

It hard for you to plant and other reap without your consent

Anonymous said...

Is his hands and feet she should beat him on so for months to come he wouldn't think about walking to any location much less put his hands on anything at that location that doesn't belongs to him. Farming is so hard, very hard task, you have to wait months on most crops . and then someone just walk in and reap it all No!

Anonymous said...

So correct. Our leaders and also the citizens continue to joke (citizens should be more vocal). The minority has decided that they have the solution and have been failing with this crime problem.

Anonymous said...

The JCF has only 12,000 men and no more than 9000 on duty at once.
They need at least 32,000 to be effective an call and in time assuming adequate mobility.
Cases take too long to be finalized so Jungle Justice becomes most satisfactory.
If this is not addressed the country could fall into anarchy and disorder each person for themselves.
The Jamaican state must act quickly before uncivilization becomes the order of the day.

Donna said...

Its not right for that man to steal the yam but you going to kill him for yams omg not even little mercy jungle justice not right he is wrong . but for yams they beating him like that๐Ÿ˜ž๐Ÿ˜ž

Anonymous said...

That was a very brilliant idea, if they do not want the jungle justice. However; have you ev

Anonymous said...

Ever share the idea with the authorities, so they could try and put it in place and see how it works?

Anonymous said...

Did you know that their are certain farm's that these two feet foot rascals cannot go on or even think to chance it. However; they if the authorities cannot recruit the right set of people like good community leaders who will give good advice and those who are willing to make a difference in their country. Our Prime Minister Needs to give one of his minister. I guess that would be the security minister the task to get the right people on board to get these to feet rascals to books before the jungle justice take over again.

Anonymous said...

Good morning sis D, if you had planted you yam and this man come and reaping your farm. Would you very happy with it. That is how the government should be teaching these heartless theives a very good lessons. That is why they think they can walk on to anyone's farm and take whatever they. Try no make find your farm. Else you would end up with a heart attack. Have a wonderful day Miss D.

Anonymous said...

Two feet rascals.

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