Tuesday 10 October 2023

Head of NWC in Hot Water - Can He Swim out of It?

Mark Barnett

The residents of Charlemont Avenue have been complaining about the buildings going up in their community and the impact these developments can have on their community. The Integrity Commission report about the construction at 11 Charlemont Avenue has been tabled in Parliament. This could result in the rolling of heads. The head of the NWC, Mark Barnett, will have questions to answer. Read and inform yourself about the findings and recommendations of the Integrity Commission by clicking on the links below:

The Letter.

The Report.


It's Just a Click


Anonymous said...


Rosina Christina Moder said...

I have been wondering why with all these high-rise buildings going up nobody is insisting that several new water catchments all over the island have to be constructed??? I will call in when the next guest from NWC will be on your orugramme!

Rosina Christina Moder said...

Programme, sorry!

Anonymous said...

So much corruption from top to bottom

Anonymous said...

Each day more and more of our men are dying;Their blood waisted,Staining the landscape of our land. Each day our men are dying,Another father,another brother ,another son
Each day another woman weepsAs her precious child is put to sleep
.No one knows the pain she bears,No one can fully understand her tears LMA

Anonymous said...

For these pass five (5) years has been nothing but heart ache and pain in the head. What is really wrong with NWC. They did send out their team when most people gone to work and those whom they have spoken to can not speak on the behalf of the working persons. In the Parish of Westmoreland in savanna-La-Mar has been a disgrace. No water for almost a year and you cannot get nobody who really have their head on their bodies to talk to. The phone ring without an answer. Thank God for Consumers Affairs. I need to know if am going to get back any reimbursement for all these months without water?

Micspen said...

Jamaica has enough water to have a Central Water Grid supplying every nook and cranny of Jamaica.
That idea is basic common sense if we cannot do it I am sure China the infrastructure maniacs are willing to achieve that.After all Jamaica for them is like one of their small towns.
Ni Hao Yamaijaren hen hao.

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