Saturday 28 October 2023

Jamaicans are Hurting - Social Fabric of The Society Now Tattered and Worn

That FINSAC Building

I have received messages about the FINSAC commission from persons seeking answers. This is one of those real duppies that continue to haunt the nation. People are bitter about several challenges in this country. People are hurting. If we ignore matters hurting our people, we will continue to have bitterness and hurt from generation to generation. There are still people who still remember the violent political period of the 1980s. There are still people who have not gotten over that FINSAC experience or the funds lost in those Ponzi schemes.

Our leaders have not resolved those matters. We have not had a period of discussion, reconciliation, forgiveness and remorse. The evil effects of these matters have become an ulcer in the stomach of this nation, that has manifested itself in the many ills which now beset this nation. Ignoring the ills of the past will not release the albatross which hangs around the neck of this Jamaica Land we Love. The nation is now crying out for repentance and healing while some are busy strategising about how they will gain political power for the next five years. The soul of this nation has been lost and we are like wandering sheep seeking a pasture with hope that a new day will dawn.

This situation in my country was brought sharply home to me when I received the following note about the FINSAC Report from a gentleman today:

"Good Afternoon,

I am a Jamaican Citizen and I would like to ask the powers that be as to what happened to the long awaiting report that we were promised. And when  persons asked about it they’re been targeted.

The PNP is looking power, what happened to the report,

I understand that both parties don't want to see release as it would show them up and that it but look away from the next 40 years before it can be released.

Kind regards,

Concerned Jamaican"

Let me know what you think and I will share it with our leaders and the country at large.

More Readings:

  1. How the financial crash of the 1990s happen and why? - Edward Seaga.
  2. The tragic folly of FINSAC - Claude Clarke
  3. The FINSAC debacle: a sad chapter that must now be addressed - Dr Paul Chen-Young.


Jobs Available

A live-in helper needed to take care of an elderly lady in rural St. Andrew. Persons should be healthy, and mature. Preferably the person should be a Christian and from rural Jamaica. If you are interested, please send a WhatsApp message to 876 816-5261.

Places Wanted For Rent

A three-bedroom house needed to be rented for a family of three. Send a WhatsApp message to 876 816-5261 if you are interested.

It's Just a Click


Anonymous said...

Yes, both parties do not wish for the FINSAC Report to be made public..However Mark Golding and Peter Bunting have the most to lose if this is made public. This is why the are so ging hobtingsin leadership in government. They were the primary beneficiaries if the raoe and plunder of hard working Jamaicans assets....this from it Foundation Fren.

Anonymous said...

Mark Golding and Bunting do not want this FINSAC Report to be made public. By way of Omar David, this is how they raped and plundered Jamaican peoples real estate assets. This is why they are so hell bent on wanting to hold the reigns of power

Anonymous said...

To hey must publish the report for us citizen to see

Anonymous said...

We are not really fighting a war. However; are sitting on some dangerous time Bomb. Most of these companies, they know how to take the Jamaican public for a . Let us ask ourselves these questions. If Usain L Bolt can lose over a billion dollars in revenue 🙆. Can you imagine how much millions have been stolen and it takes the legendary Sir Saint Leo Bolt to our Jamaicans be aware of what is happening right under our very nose. What a shame and disgrace. Now the government is using our hard working tax paying dollars to find out, what really happened. Am still trying to figure out 🤔. If am still dreaming or is this the norm. If you have an issue to be resolved. As long as they do not know you. The level a run a round that you get. You would think it is all fool's day. People are taking too long to get them pension and if you are not careful. You still do not get any money at all. You can be wrongfully tried and sent to prison without no bail. These are just some of bare face evil that is really going on in our little island. Who can we really turned to? Jamaicans are in a serious trouble. We need help and fast.

Anonymous said...

Bunting and Golding? Huh? What say we about those with whom depositors entrusted their funds? Where are they? What was their responsibilities? Are we going to establish that in any report that is done? Recall that the political group did not cause the problem. They may not have addressed it the best way as the damage was already done when they got involved.

Anonymous said...

Finsac 1997 to 2002. Report not received as yet
Integrity report on politicians - 2023. Report ???? 2070??

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