Thursday 21 December 2023

DAY 1: A Vibrant Start to Lois Grant's Mexican Odyssey

Editors Note:


ChagodTour invited Communication Consultant and Bark Di Trute Contributor Lois Grant to visit Cuba and then Mexico. Lois Grant was able to visit Mexico. This is Part I of an exciting story about Mexico. You certainly need to Click Here if you are interested in going on one of these tours to the various countries that ChagodTours can take you to.

In the predawn glow of (Friday)  December 15, the adventure begins as I embark on a journey to Cancun, Mexico, with a layover in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. The anticipation hangs in the air as my son, concerned but curious, quizzes me about my travel plans. "Chagod Tour?" he inquired. With confidence, I share my online research, revealing that this relatively new company based in Montego Bay, Jamaica, has been exploring the Latin American market for about three years.

As my son raises concerns about my limited Spanish, I reassure him about the mysterious Julio Antonio Ochoa Suarez, a fellow traveller from the tour company. Though his English proficiency remains uncertain, his Spanish fluency provides a sense of comfort. My son, ever vigilant, pledges to track my every move, ensuring a safety net for this unfolding adventure.

From Santo Domingo, our journey unfolds with a 3-hour layover before we jet off to Cancun. A rendezvous with a diverse group of influencers awaits, hailing from the USA, Puerto Rico, and Cuba. I chuckle at my son's surprise that I've transitioned into the role of a travel influencer. "My mother, an influencer?" he jests, impressed by my ability to connect with the younger generation.

The genesis of my influencer status stems from recent blogs chronicling my adventures in Cuba, targeting an older audience seeking new experiences. We check into Arajet, an unfamiliar airline steering the process smoothly. Julio, my newfound companion, helps bridge language gaps as we settle into our seats at the back of the plane, surrounded by a lively cohort of Spanish-speaking passengers.

The flight to Santo Domingo unfolds seamlessly, and we breeze through immigration during our 3-hour layover. Time seems to slip away as I explore inbound shops, marvelling at prices reminiscent of my Jamaican experiences. High-priced water and a US$14 package of Santo Domingo's famed coffee become souvenirs of the layover.

Boarding once more, we set course for Cancun, a little over a 2-hour flight. Immigration, though stringent, poses no major obstacles. The real surprise comes when stranded in the rain-soaked Mexican night, we wait for the influencers. Cold and damp, I finally descend after unpacking to find a makeshift dinner—curried chicken and callaloo conjured up by considerate waitstaff, a meal I tried to enjoy in solitude, as the others had already eaten.

While the younger crowd gears up for a night of clubbing, fatigue claims me after a day that began at 4:00 am and now stretches into the early hours. The promise of Tulum's charms awaits, ensuring that the adventures in Mexico are only just beginning.

My son making sure all is well before departure
from Kingston's Norman Manley International Airport

The young influencers on the way from Cancun airport

Layover in Santo Domingo

With Julio in Santo Domingo

Vibrant Colourful airport in Santo Domingo


Writer, Lois Grant

Lois Grant
Ms Lois Grant - JP, MA, BA.(Hons) Dip Mass Comm, Cert. Broadcast Journalism BBC-London. Lois Grant's involvement in the communications and creative industry began in the newsroom at the now-defunct Jamaica Broadcasting Corporation (JBC). She then went on to head the Public Relations unit, at the now-defunct Grimax Advertising. From there, Grant went into partnership with the creation of the Promotions/Production agency.. Innercity Promotions. Innercity was responsible for the creation of the live dance hall series of concerts at the Harbour View and New Kingston Drive-in cinemas... the firsts in the history of entertainment in Jamaica. At the start of the '90s, Grant formed her own agency under the banner, Corporate Image Communications and Productions. She stood out as a trailblazer in developing several innovative events as well as programmes for corporate brands such as Tastee Limited, Jamaica National Building Society, City of Kingston Cooperative Credit Union, and various government agencies. Looking back Grant notes that she has played her role in changing the political landscape of three Caribbean islands, including Jamaica. Her last assignment before taking early retirement saw her as the Director of Communications in the Office of the Prime Minister of Jamaica from 2007 - early 2013.



Anonymous said...


Knelli said...

Great read! Your son truly loves you. Looking forward to part two cousin ❤️

Anonymous said...

Great adventure! Watch those Mexicans please

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