Wednesday 20 December 2023

Some NWC Workers No Kya! Dem Run Tings!

Minister Mathew Samuda

The following report was received from a Bark Di Trute Supporter:

"This is how NWC fixed a leak at the Roundabout at Hope Blvd & Monterey Drive, Hope Pastures but left the Roundabout in a untidy state...Going 6 weeks or more now. Thanks."

If the NWC has a responsible Board Chairman and a Board, then action must be taken to deal with this practice. This practice of work not properly done has been going on for too long. Minister Samuda you need to deal with this matter. This reflects poorly on the government!

It is clear that some NWC workers no kya because a dem run tings. Management just watch dem run tings and cannot do a ting!


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Anonymous said...

Why can't NWC do a descent job every where they go and dig up they leave a mess we need justice

Anonymous said...

NWC still has not fixed Upper Waterloo Road. The dust and craters are unbearable! No respect for these communities that they keep disrupting. It's a disgrace.

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