Tuesday, 12 December 2023

Wat A Ting - Jamaica Land We Love!!!

Crazy People

Some crazy things are happening in the world and in Jamaica. I just got a message that a man pushed another from the twelfth floor at RIU. He died. They were fighting over a piece of wood. I wonder who owned the piece of wood.

The New Traffic Act

Are all taxi drivers aware of the new Traffic Act? That should not really affect them because they own the roads.

Let Students Run Things

We cannot manage a group of students at the National Stadium! We should ask our students to run things for themselves. They could do a better job! 

60 Cycle Electricity Appliances

Our leaders love poor people very much, yet poor people can only get 60-cycle electrical appliances in a country where JPSCo supplies 50-cycle electricity. These appliances will burn more electricity and will not last that long.

If our leaders support poor people, ask both parties to add to their list of promises to the country to ban 60-cycle electrical appliances from entering Jamaica!

Beryllium Worker - Poor Manners

I spoke to a Beryllium worker this afternoon at Shoppers Fair on Washington Boulevard about blocking the area where passengers picked up their groceries and where they let off the elderly and others who cannot walk a long distance. I was abused by the worker. 

That behaviour reflects poorly on the company and its management.

Human Rights and Human Wrongs

Those who don't support Human Wrongs should put more power in their voices so the Human Rights people can hear them. The government might eventually listen.

Persons Have Finally Received More Pay

Persons are now receiving more pay. Not just the politicians. Have you noticed any improvement in the quality of service?

Calling NWA National Wutless Agency, NWC - No Water Comming, JCF - The Jamaica Confusing Force, JUTC - Jamaica Ugly Transportation Company will not change things. Calling the JLP the Jamaica Lazy Party or the PNP - The People's Non-Performing Party will not change things. 

The nation must stand up and demand change!!!


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  1. True true U talking Mr Derby what happened to the Person who's in charge of this Country Or who want to Take over what are they doing especially for the poor

  2. Well said😄

  3. I don't think these politicians love the poor they only love the vote after you vote them done with you till the next election . What kind of wood those two men where fighting over so that one push the other from that high building, that wood is precious I would like to see it

    1. That is not for human consumption! I honestly do not think the person was thinking about the laws of the land. I guess the was more obsessed with what the owned.

  4. Persons get more pay but the things gone sky high can you imagine a pound of scallion is for $1000

  5. And all we do is chat chat chat and suss suss suss and criticize and draw long bench and labbrish. It's like the Politicians blew breath in us and without them we cannot live. We are the ones who voted them in so, if they are not performing what do we do is vote their asses out.

  6. Maybe the promise should not be to ban 60 cycle but to have JPS convert to 60 cycle since most of our people get their goods from the USA for more reasons than one.

    1. JPS would have to install new generators and the cost would be prohibitive. That is my understanding.

  7. Those of us who act to vote them out are in the minority. The majority are easily bought even if they don't agree. Flash or pro.ise a few dollars and business settled

  8. Brother Vernon why would you expect to see improvement in the quality of service, when the increase in was solely to end the bickering?

  9. The power ultimately lies with the people of Jamaica.

  10. Very sad to hear something like that. Someone pushing another person to their death and they are not in a movie. That is very disturbing. This is where Psychological First Aid comes into play. Was this what happened to the person parent? As for Our beloved JPS and NWC. The more you give them Utilities Companies (
    Solutions) is the more them sit sit on it and take more from hard working customers and then turned around and give them some nice Asaph stories and the people who are stealing get pat on the back as long as they can outsmart the authorities. It is like the bank telling us to report fraudulent activities and when you immediately realized that you have been a victim of fraud. When they see exactly what the theives had done. Then they look in face and tell you that they cannot do anything about it. You gonna have to called the police. These so called tellers,some of them are ten fingers theives inside NCB. People are totally fed up Jamaica and so much corruptions from high places to low places. Don't be surprised when Jamaican began to push back.

  11. Mr Derby, I was a boy when there was this raging debate 60 or 50 cycles. I knew nothing of kilowatts and cycles but it was all there in the Gleaner. A businessman in my recollection , I think his name was Condell got nine months in prison for some action related to the matter. We need to remember that Britain was 220/50 and USA was 110/60. Almost everything came from "England" and "England "was in charge anyway but we were also close to "America ". Later I knew it was a matter of trade etc, but the decision was not haphazard. It was decided to go for 110/50. A real humbug now.


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