Sunday 10 December 2023

When Vernon Derby Got Too Close to Bone Yard! - Part III

This was my third week in the hospital - the place which was now home. I was still concerned about where I would go next?

Would I be going to hell or to heaven? I felt that I was now heading for heaven or hell. In the meantime, this was a living hell on earth. I now had type two diabetes and the doctor said that my pancreas had stopped working. 

I asked myself, "My pancreas has stopped working?"

The doctor explained that he was giving the pancreas a push start.  

I presumed he was speaking my language since I am a driver. I thought, "Mi a ol' my stage, a push start cannot help me".

The nurses became very concerned about me. They probably felt that I was going through a deep depression. They offered to turn on my television. The gentleman on the bed next to me had his television on 24/7. His name was Chin. I told the nurses that I was OK with Chin's TV station.

Some other nurses noticed that I was improving physically so they offered to part the curtains so I could look at what was happening on the street in front of the hospital. After much pleading from them, I eventually complied. I looked outside and heard the confusion, the honking of the horns and the sheer madness. I just pulled the curtains and curled up back on the bed.

I was ill, yet I was enjoying a peace of mind I had not enjoyed for many years. The last time I had that peace of mind was walking in rural Jamaica at night, listening to the choir of insects and admiring the droplets of water on the banana leaves twinkling like little diamonds in the moonlight.

Over the years, I was caught up on the highway of life, trying to survive in the madhouse and just being a part of the rat race. My car was serviced on a timely basis. When I was going to work, sometimes I had to park the car and jump on a bike to reach work on time. The traffic was horrible. I had to arrive at work on time to serve the people doing my show, 'At Your Service'. My body was crying out for help. I was neither listening to nor heeding that call. Here I was, flat on my back, paying for my folly.

While in the hospital, someone sent me a clipping from the Daily Gleaner. The article was written by persons who were part of a prophetic ministry. It indicated that a radio host would be seriously ill and that people should pray for that person. Here I was in the hospital while there was another radio personality in the hospital also. His name was Tony Young. I said, "Could it be my time or Tony Young's time. Well, only time will tell".

Other Readings

Part I

Part II


It's Just a Click


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Anonymous said...

Well put together, saying a lot

Anonymous said...

Mr Derby ,l admire your writing skill. It's awesome. Your choice of words so skillfully placed is like music to my ears.You can make a sad story not so sad after all. Please take care of yourself. We can't afford to loose you.

Anonymous said...

Well put together Mr Derby take care of yourself god bless👹

Anonymous said...

A melodrama of sorts Mr Derby, very informative as well.
Make me want to read more.
God's speed sir...

Micspen said...

There are cells in your PANCREAS (Ps)called "ISLETS OF LANGHERANS" that produces insulin regulating the levels of glucose/sugar in the body.That is only a part of the Ps role the other is producing pancreatic juice for processing protein
You are going to be great just remember to introduce a lifelong exercise program as part of your life extension plan.
Type 2 diabetes can be cured just keep off the weight so the insulin produced will be adequate for the size body.
You are a real survivor my Dear Brother.As long as you don't have pancreatitis or other malignant ailment Yuh Good to go .

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