Tuesday 23 January 2024

Lady Stripped Naked at Airport and Behaved Boisterously!

It was high drama at the Sangster's International Airport when a lady stripped herself naked, became boisterous, started throwing things at people, and made sexual overtures to the males who were trying to assist her.

What stood out for me was the reaction of a few who observed what transpired. I heard people in the video laughing during the incident and others encouraged those who tried to help not to get involved. I congratulate those who assisted until police officers arrived on the scene.

With a kick to her feet that threw her off balance, the police officers were able to restrain her. I understand that she obtained medical attention subsequently.

Based on the information obtained, it seemed that the lady had a nervous breakdown. Someone can get the flu or cold, but we do not understand when someone has mental challenges.  Mental illness does not respect anyone. 

I hope that those who had a good laugh will see my blog. Today, you are the onlooker, tomorrow you could be the centre of attention. Some people are walking around looking quite normal but they have mental challenges. You can just flip one day and you will need help, not laughter or outrageous comments.,

Let me congratulate those workers at the airport, the police and others who assisted. The lady who displayed disruptive behaviour at the airport is not a Jamaican and I am glad that we treated her well.  If I go to Canada or the USA and I should have a nervous breakdown, I would expect to be treated well by the authorities there.




Anonymous said...

Sir Derby when I hear the laughing in the back ground I was so up set there was nothing there to laugh about I felt it for this young lady we see today we no see tomorrow l pray that she will come around

Anonymous said...

So true.

Anonymous said...

I agree Sir Derby. Not a laughing matter. Some people are heartless cretins. I hope the lady recovers quickly. Mental illness is as real as a broken leg.

Micspen said...

Where were the female security personnel police or other.
She should have been covered with a blanket. Poor planning. With thousands of people using the airport all possible eventualities should be planned for.
Good though it seems that all is relatively well that ends well some compassion and treatment made available to calm her down.
I hope he behaviour was not symptomatic of Fentanyl or Molly.
Hope we will hear from the authorities when a post mortem of this incident a teaching moment is released.

Anonymous said...

So sad👹

Anonymous said...

I think it is very unkind and insensitive for people to record and share this embarrassing video.
Where is our human kindness?
How would you feel if this happened to you, a family member, friend or someone you know.
Shame on the people who were on the scene. ☹️👎🏽
I don't know what happened why she was acting like that.
It is clear that we should be concerned and compassionate as she needs help, not to be made a spectacle of across the world.

Anonymous said...

This is the new age generation that does not know God for themselves. All they know is their technology and they will use it for every moment with no respect to for human privacy. The question that is to be asked. What was the cause of her problem and why wasn't a Psychological First Aid person on hand to help her out, before she has lost it. We need to have people trained for any eventually. We need to get back to the drawing board and stop being bystanders and becomes a people that is concerned about the health of others and not just about the money they can make. This was a very sad disturbing situation. There should have been an emergency medical doctor on hand to deescalate these types of human behavior. I hope they will get it right. That is my insight 🤔.

Anonymous said...

I hope they will not release her identity.

Anonymous said...

I'm agreeing with the distaste to the laughter. However, some people do laugh out of shock and that might be happening, we each display different coping mechanisms. She should have been covered even with one of jackets that the men were wearing for her dignity. She could be your mother, your sister or even you. I pray that she gets better soon.

Anonymous said...

It is so very sad to see how some reacted heartless,it could have been any one of us,we are just human,anything is possible,as you rightly stated mr.Derby,mental illness is no respector of person or persons;When I saw the video,I prayed immediately for her.I said it could be me or people close to me

Anonymous said...

I was watching the video and is just sadness took over, I was also surprised, but couldn't laught, so I dont know what they found funny. And the sadest thing is they sounded like all females 🙄

Anonymous said...

These people are not serious when it comes on to their jobs, because it shouldn't have taken so many of them all that time to restraint and secure her, they joking it out,the first person that get a hold of her that suppose to be it with reinforcement

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