Monday 22 January 2024

Roads Blocked in Clarendon and Manchester

My On The Ground Reporters have reported that citizens are protesting unfulfilled promises by MP - poor roads and, no water as promised. 
It is not just the Clarendon side but also the Manchester end that was also blocked (Moravia Rd into Christiana and Silent Hill end as well).

It is reported  mmkthey blocked the road last year and promises were made and they are blocking it again. 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The MP said at the meeting that he is not going to tell them that the road is going to fix last year but he know of a shore that it will fix this 2024 my problem is he could get some mall and cement and fix it temporarily until because is some deep broad hole in the road it stay bad fi true and is not one little part is actually the whole stretch a road them need to do something

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