Sunday 25 February 2024


The ten of us, octogenarians and nonagenarians, with our varying ‘unable areas’, wonder what kind of REPUBLIC will be inflicted on us. We tremble as we ask this question of reputable legal minds like Judge Patrick Robinson and Bert Samuels.

Advertisements are telling Jamaicans that soon we will become a REPUBLIC.

We, the elders, become alarmed to think that we are to be recognized as the first REGGAE REPUBLIC called Jamaica. After Barbados became a Republic, our lawyers bedecked in their ancient wigs and robes, addressing each other as ‘mi lud’, (MY LORD), cried shame on us for allowing Barbados to become a REPUBLIC before us.

Please remember that Barbados, called Little England has 99% literacy, very clean streets, a reliable transport system and dependable essential services. We cannot compare our dirty streets, filthy markets, questionable essential services and non-existent mode of public transport. Shhh! We have only 60% literacy; even Cuba has 90% literacy. 

This month, February, is celebrated as Black Month, Bob Marley

Month, Reggae Month; we wonder with the flood of advertisements about the Republic if we are going to be the first REGGAE REPUBLIC. We shudder as we remember socialism under Michael Manley and how we suffered because of gross confusion. We never knew whether it was going to be Communism, Democratic Socialism or Socialism-Socialism. Nobody explained to us what Socialism was about.

We need to know, today, what kind of Republic we are going to get so that we can make our decisions regarding fright or flight. All we want is STABILITY for ourselves and our country. How can we depend on our lawyers who are still bedecked in ancient trappings of a British throne, as they drag their courts into recesses, delays, holidays and Empire Courthouse punishments? Are we going to be a part of the Commonwealth, a part of a stable Kingdom or a part of a fragmented Reggae Republic? The Reggae Republic"

Contributor Veronica Blake -Carnegie

Veronica is an author and a retired principal who has written 10 books on various aspects of Jamaican life. She has also compiled a listing of 500 independent schools in Jamaica. She was president of the Jamaica Independent Schools Association for two years. Mrs Blake Carnegie owned and operated the Ligunea school on Hope Road, which previously housed the Half Way Tree Primary School. Last year she was awarded the Musgrave Award for the book titled Lizards of  Liguanea.


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Micspen said...

For the moment let us leave things as they are for fear of ending up with a Criminals Paradise for a Republic.
Let us remain England pickney until we grow up.
Can you imagine some kleptomainiacs and perhaps an illicit 60 instead of 6 in parliament.
When Jamaica got Independence in 1962 that same years there were 63 murders and 60 years later in 2022 murders got to 1498.

Republicanism for now sounds good but are we ready for it.
Get our literacy rates up and an education system designed to liberate a country mentally and economically.
A country where the Crime Industry is not more attractive and faster growing than Agriculture 8% of GDP and crime industry with a larger GDP of 10%.

Anonymous said...

The article is spot on. Quoting from the National Anthem "To our leaders, great defender,
Grant true wisdom from above", suggests that there is honor, truth, and wise thinking. Good honest and effective communication from those with the responsibility, will give the people the opportunity to make the best decision. If we remain true to our national anthem, then "Give us vision lest we perish" takes on new meaning in the context of a Republic or a Reggae Republic (whatever that is).

Sometimes the people must be led. Sometimes the people must lead the leaders. In the end, trust and truth are the bedrock on which the sustainability of the future depends. We must do for our people. After more than 60 years of independence we can wait no more. We must break through for us, and not because somewhere else has done it, .... Barbados notwithstanding.

Anonymous said...


jamaicalifemedia said...

The article does not define what exactly a Reggae Republic is. How does it differ from other republics? As a nation we have made significant strides - relatively stable economy, improving modern infrastructure, full employment (albeit in low skilled jobs), vibrant business sector etc. Next step in my opinion is proper education for all from the infant level. 17% of primary level children are not in school - that's where our crime problem originates. We can get rid of the Monarchy and Privy Council - we can get along just fine without them.

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...

Read the article again written by a woman who is now 92 years old and you might see the humour in the article. Reggae Republic!

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