Thursday 29 February 2024

Meadows Gone - People Calling for Warmington to Go!!!

I just got word that Dennis Meadows will no longer be the caretaker candidate for the PNP for Nothern Trelawny. That is a good move. Let us now support Mr. Everald Warmington's immediate retirement from politics. He has worked and done well but I know that he has a challenge and we cannot have him serving at that level any longer. I have known both gentlemen for over 50 years. One was my past student and the other was my friend at UTech.

Please join me in thanking the PNP for removing Dennis Meadows and let us now call on the JLP to get The Hon. Everald Warmington to retire from politics.

Please add your comments to this blog and share the blog with your hundreds of friends. Let us show Jamaica that the People's Power is more powerful than any other power in Jamaica. The Prime Minister and Mr Mark Golding will get a copy of this blog. Let the leaders see your comments and listen to the voice of the people.

Click to access the questionnaire about Dennis Meadows.


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Anonymous said...

I've seen Warmington do worse and he's still there. Seems he controls the leader

Anonymous said...

Seams so👹

Anonymous said...

is long time Warmington should have been expelled from the JLP. The JLP has no discipline and its reflected in how the society o for a shake up and a change.perates now. Time come

CHAYIL said...

I commend Mr Mark Golding for this bold, brave and right move. Speaks to the core of who he is. Right is right and wrong is wrong. Leaders must show action when it's time and not just "Bag a mout "
Many think Mr Golding is "soft" but we should learn by now that the loudest amongst us are not always the most effective. It is increasingly popular thinking that the loudest, more noise making, bragadocious ' voices' are the most powerful. They are heard for sure but beyond the talk????
"Time Come" ( pun intended) for Mr Warmington to go. Actually, overtime expire now. Mr Holness would do well to back up his talk about integrity and respectfully without fear or favour release Mr Warmington.
Your move Mr Holness.

Anonymous said...

Meadows is the caretaker for Northern Trelawny, not South Trelawny. Good move Mr Golding. Warmington next, will the Prime Ministers make that bold move , I doubt it.

Anonymous said...

Long time....

Anonymous said...

Excellent move. Our leaders must set examples and must be held to higher standards

Anonymous said...

Well done Mr.Mark Golding. Agreeing with you all it's way past due for Mr Warmington to go.

Anonymous said...

Sack Warmington now make him go cool down in retirement.

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