Monday, 29 April 2024

Former Principal of Hampton High and Ardenne Teacher Dr. Ivy Mitchell Has Taken Her Final Bow

With the passing of Dr. Ivy Mitchell, another visionary exits the stage of Jamaican education. Along the corridors of Ardenne High School,(Kingston, Jamaica)  her presence was unmistakable.

 Back in the 70s, a vision of youthfulness, she defied convention with her elegant attire, challenging the conservative norms imposed upon us. To us, she was not just a teacher but a pillar of boldness, unafraid to embrace her femininity with grace. As our literature and English teacher in the '70s, Dr. Mitchell left an indelible mark on those fortunate enough to be in her class. Her passion for literature ignited our own, urging us to delve deeper and transcend the words on the page. Under her guidance, critical thinking became our compass, leading us to new realms of understanding.

On obtaining a scholarship to the BBC (London) to study broadcasting,  I fondly recall the vivid landscapes of England coming alive before me, each scene a reflection of the lessons imparted by Dr. Mitchell. Her teachings surpassed the classroom, shaping my perception of the world around me. In recent years, visiting her in Gloria's Home, where Alzheimer's had robbed her of her brilliance, was a heartfelt reminder of life's fragility. Her once-sharp mind now clouded, her words reduced to mere babble, served as a stark contrast to the vibrant educator I once knew.

Amid the heartache, her impact remains undiminished. For every mind she enlightened, for every soul she inspired, Dr. Ivy Mitchell's legacy endures. As we bid her farewell, we carry forth the torch of knowledge she ignited within us, ensuring that her influence lives on through the generations.

Rest in peace, Dr. Mitchell. Your work here is done, but your spirit will continue to guide and inspire us. And to my fellow Ardennites of our era,- Patrick Bailey, Judy Brown-Cousley, , Patricia Stevens,  June Colthirst, Noel Martin, Joan Rodney-Reid, and “the backbenchers” (Lois Lewis-Grant, Marcia Ferguson,  Hilca Smith-Thomas, and Dorothy Reid-late) and others too numerous to mention   - let us honour her memory by continuing to strive for excellence in all that we do.

Dr. Mitchell is on the right.

Dr. Mitchell in the middle.

Dr. Mitchell at Ardenne High School with the graduating class of 1977.

Dr. Mitchell at Ardenne High School with the graduating class of 1977.

More Reading

Lois Grant

Lois Grant, JP, MA, BA (Hons), Dip Mass Comm, Cert. Broadcast Journalism BBC-London, is a powerhouse in the communications realm,.Known for her groundbreaking achievements as  Co-founder of Innercity Promotions, she along with her former partner, revolutionised the branding of dance hall music. In the '90s, Grant founded Corporate Image Communications and Productions, orchestrating innovative events for top brands like Tastee Limited, COK Credit Union and Jamaica National Building Society. Her influence extends to shaping political landscapes across three Caribbean islands, including Jamaica, where she served as Director of Communications in the Office of the Prime Minister (2007-2013). Though retired,, Grant continues to make waves as a consultant for esteemed entities like NBC Sports and as a travel influencer.



  1. From Foundation fren...a life well lived.A woman set apart. RIP teacher par excellence!

  2. A beautiful personality,warm and loving.

  3. Good day.
    I need a bit of help.

    My daughter is conducting a research on the history of Hampton School for Girls.
    However, she cannot find any information on the following:
    Time period Dr. Ivy Mitchell served as principal

    Who served as principal during the years 1983 to 1992?
    Please help.

    Thank you for your time.


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