Tuesday 21 May 2024

Mark Golding In a Pickle - Deciding on One Nationality


A significant number of Jamaicans do not believe that politicians should have dual nationalities. It is felt that leaders of a country should not be in a position where they have loyalty to more than one country.

If for example, Jamaica removed King Charles as Head of State and Mark Golding became Prime Minister of Jamaica, then our Prime Minister would be a subject of the King.  The citizens of the country would be subjects of Mark Golding. If our leader is a subject of the United Kingdom, then we could feel like subjects of the king also.

There is now a dispute between Jamaica and the United Kingdom about reparation. If Mark Golding takes a decision about this matter, it could be held that the decision taken by our PM was a biased one. Our PM would be a subject of the King while being a citizen of Jamaica.


Please take a minute to answer this questionnaire which allows you to indicate your position on Mark Golding's citizenship. 




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Anonymous said...

If he want to lead Jamaica he has to do the right thing

Anonymous said...

So said do the right thing give up his uk citizenship 👹

Anonymous said...

Can't serve two masters

Anonymous said...

This is pure politics and is really not a big deal.
The Jamaica Constitution give him the right to serve in the Parliament with dual citizenship (Jamaica/the Commonwealth of Nations). The public who are engaging in conversations regarding this particular matter should educate themselves to reasonably contend this issue. Time come✊

Rosina Christina Moder said...

I agree with the last comment, and thank the writer for making a profound and well thought through statement! Too much political hype derailing from those millions of potholes out there!!!

Anonymous said...

Pure politics. I go with the constitution

Anonymous said...

So I been having water lock off since start of March Kingston hot as fire and dem continue to chop down de little shade tree our chidren killing each other and the PM worried about a citizenship which was not asked for. But him running down diaspora who decide to pledge allegiance to another country. Confused.

Anonymous said...

Jamaicans are not subjects of the Head of Government

Anonymous said...

As usual the government playing " Nero fiddling while Rome burns". Majoring jn the minors as usual instead of dealing with the serious issues affecting the pipulation

Anonymous said...

I am strongly opposed to this article.

Fact: The constitution allows Mr. Golding or anyone with citizenship from any Commonwealth country residing in Jamaica for 12 months to be MP.

An example: Should police officers who commit murder be given a lesser or greater sentence or should we comply with the sentence under the law? I think not.

We must comply with the law or change it. Jamaica must agree whether it is fish or fowl and then decide how its laws are to be contructed. We must develop the competence to move from talk to agreement and concerted action.

Anything else is either foolishness or damn foolishness.

Anonymous said...

Jamaica has a complicated yet simple relationship with Britain and Canada. If children were born in those countries came to Jamaica as children, went to school in Jamaica, identify as Jamaican, live in Jamaica, are we saying they could not be MP or PM? Should players born in those countries of Jamaican parents not represent Jamaica? Or should we move to recognizing Jamaican citizens to only be those born in Jamaica.

How does being a Jamaican stop all of the corruption we now see. Should we not comply with the law in these matters as well.

Should we comply with our constitution? If not, why have it. Furthermore, what is not being said is that the current constitution prevents persons from many more countries from being our political representatives.

Should we have a different metric? Or should we also be talking about how we recall a political leader?

Let us focus on who we are and what we need then change th laws to be compatible.

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