Monday 20 May 2024

Opposition Leader Mark Golding Must Revoke His British Citizenship Now!

Mark Golding - Opposition Leader

It has been confirmed by Opposition Leader Mark Golding that he is a British subject (See Gleaner Article on page A3, dated May 20, 2024.He is not to be blamed for that, but if he intends to lead Jamaica it is the thinking of many he ought to renounce his British citizenship now!

He will lose his legitimacy calling for our own head of state, having the Caribbean Court of Appeal as our final appellate court when he seeks to lead a country as a citizen of the United Kingdom.

It does not make sense to argue that it is not illegal. The King of England is legally the Head of State for Jamaica and we want to change that. We do not need a change in the law not to have the citizens of another country be our political head. We just need the person to change their status.

This position should not be seen as a PNP or a JLP position. It is the position of a nationalist. I would not want to prevent the opposition leader from being the political head because he is the offspring of someone from our former colonial masters' country. However, I am slightly uncomfortable with that. He should not be the Leader of The Opposition nor the Prime Minister of this country while being a citizen of another country.

MP's can run from constituency to constituency and I can live with that. No leader of my country should be able to get up and run to another country when he or she has messed up my country.

If we have to take action against a Prime Minister who is a British subject, the British government through its High Commission might intervene to protect a British subject? No sah!

Please take a minute to answer this questionnaire which allows you to indicate your position on Mark Golding's citizenship. 




Send your news and other information by WhatsApp to 876 816-5261. Sources will never be revealed. I am Vernon Derby and you can take my word for that.


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Anonymous said...

He have a very shady character, I suspected long ago, when his assest was published and for a wealthy person, what he have in Jamaica; seeking to become PM, was a disgrace. Further more, he is arrogant, can't look you in the face when he speaks, he is a bully and a dictator, and he thinks that he is too big to apologise. Honestly I would love for him to win the soon coming election, give plenty of us a wake up call ๐Ÿ“ž. Although it's not possible.

Anonymous said...

No person with duel citizenship should be allowed to sit in Jamaica ๐Ÿ‡ฏ๐Ÿ‡ฒ Parliament. No exception!

Anonymous said...

No person with duel citizenship should be allowed to sit in Jamaica ๐Ÿ‡ฏ๐Ÿ‡ฒ Parliament. No exception! Michael Chamunda

Anonymous said...

Well said too full of himself๐Ÿ˜

Anonymous said...

you people do not understand the constitution and fail to read with understanding. you people just see green and orange . you all must do your research before talking nonsense
Mr Golding do not need to renounce his British citizenship.

Anonymous said...

Scenario: If your parents were from Ghana but they migrated to Jamaica and had children in Jamaica, one of whom is currently a member of parliament, are you saying that person should give his Ghanaian citizenship?
Edward Seaga, one of Jamaica's noted Prime ministers. Was not even bored in Jamaica. This is Politics with a capital P.

Anonymous said...

Probably he is the best person to lead right now. Our born Jamaicans and leaders with only Jamaican citizenship has failed us so badly over the years that there is no harm give the holder of a dual Citizenship a chance. He cannot do any worst than Andrew Holmess. He may not have led as a Prime Minister but has been a political leader from de devil was a bwaii. Now dat de Jlp see say dem Likely fi loose de General election de man citizenship status become a hot topic. Dont be distracted Jamaicans vote out dis set of tief and put in another set of tief. At least there will be balance! Ppl are being killed in this country minutely yet we have time to talk about massacre Mark Citizenship status. Pure waste man we have a lead us.

Anonymous said...

So long as King Charles III, a British citizen, is head of state there is no legal impediment for Mr. Golding to serve Jamaica as a political representative. If we are so incensed and adamant that Mr. Golding shouldn’t serve in parliament because of his dual citizenship, then let’s change the constitution to remove King Charles III as head of state.

Anonymous said...

As long as King Charles III is head of state we are his subjects, without the rights and privileges of British citizenship.

Anonymous said...

Well said writer you must be fully Jamaican if you want to lead Jamaica if you mess up you must be here in the mess with us

Anonymous said...

He does not need to renounce his British Citizenship. The constitution makes that very clear. JLP is drawing at straw as they want to derail us from the real issues. We are not our ancestors. Jamaicans love Mark and are seeing him as a great leader that's why the JLP is majoring on the minor. Andrew is the worst prime Minister in the history of Jamaica with his corruptions after corruptions. He is trying to avoid taxes by putting his assets in a company's name outside of Jamaica. What kind of an example is that! That's what they should be talking about. kmt smh

Anonymous said...

Whilst it may not be illegal that he still holds UK citizenship, Mr. Golding is aspiring to become leader of Jamaica and in so doing, should leave no question in the nation's mind of conflict of interest. Jamaica's prime minister usually doubles as the defence minister - we need to know that should the need arise for a choice to be made in war/conflict that our leader stands unreservedly with us. It is a moral responsibility.

Anonymous said...

A citizen of another country should not be leading my country. I am very uncomfortable with that, just as how I am uncomfortable with Jamaicans overseas voting in our elections or having a seat in Parliament. If you make a mess of this country, then you should be here to feel it. The reason why our hospitals are a mess is because our politicians can fly out the country and seek medical care overseas. They don't have to experience our shabby hospital service. It is also hypocritical to Mark Golding to say we should sever our ties with Britain while he remains a British citizen. He needs to renounce NOW!

Anonymous said...

Mark Golding got filthy rich off the high interest rate policy that Omar Davies instituted when Golding and Bunting were at the helm of Dehring, Bunting and Golding. It was a PNP politician who said that the policy caused the greatest transfer if wealth from the poor to the rich since slavery. So many Jamaicans like yourself truly don't understand how that FINSAC period I'm the 1990s destroyed this country. More than 40,000 businesses collapse. To say that one of the persons who benefitted the most from that event is laughable.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

How about publishing the names of all MPs and councillors who are dual citizens? Heck, all of those in public office.
Legally, there is no need for the leader of the opposition to renounce his British citizenship. The constitution says he can be a citizen of a common wealth country and hold office in Jamaica in the political arena. If you want to change the constitution then make sure the new one being drafted includes that little desire of yours.
Does one need a dual citizenship to jump ship when the seas get rough? No. Not at all. There are politicians who own properties abroad and fly overseas to see a doctor for the common cold. You don't like that? Ensure the new constitution states that all public office holders should not have assets overseas. What I am saying is that the constitution is the standard the country is governed by. It's the blueprint for governance. Not your emotions.
So you wanna run away from the monarch. Good luck! Let us entertain it as a possibility though. No king. No Governor General. You want nothing to remind you of the horrific past, so no citizen of the common wealth should sit in parliament even if he/she is a Jamaican citizen. Of course to guard us against conflict of interest.
You all need to go find something constructive to do. Put systems in place that willl allow decisions to be make via a series of procedures. This will guard you against conflict of interest as there will be enough discussion and deliberations among all stakeholders before a decision is made. Isn't this already in place? Is one allowed to make under the table moves in their own interest? Shouldn't such individuals be impeached? Charged for treason? Be given the life sentence? I'd you want to see that, entrench it in the newly forming constitution. Until the constitution changes, the opposition leader needs not renounce his citizenship until he desires to do so.

Anonymous said...

I'd you...If you...
until he desires to do so>>Unless he desires to do so.

Anonymous said...

I have no information as to which MPs have dual citizenship.

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