Sunday 9 June 2024

Butus Taking Over Jamaica! Prime Minister Clown at it Again!


These are the butus and the booguyagas who are bent on capturing the transportation system in our beautiful country Jamaica. Massa God, help wi.

Who is supporting these people to lock down our country?

The dunce says, "If oonu don't stap dis blood clath yah wi a go show oonu some'n", 

If he does anything to interrupt the transportation system, the nation's lifeblood, he should pay dearly for it. 

Does he know the history of those words he is using? Does he know what is a blood clath? He feels free to use the language and words that refer to what women go through at that time of the month because he has no respect for them. He is a man too.

I am utterly fed up with my country making these clowns believe that they run things. If he and his colleagues are caught doing anything illegally they should be given the job to clean gullies for six months.

If you see him creating any trouble on the road on Monday, June 10, 2024, Call the police.

His name should be changed from Outa Road to Outa Yu Mind! Kick out the butus out of the transportation system and let us have decent men and women operating the transportation service.


In patois, a booguyaga is a worthless person, a butu has no social graces or manners and a Kunumunu is a fool.



It's Just a Click


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Anonymous said...

I recall a recent minister of transport saying anyone who wants a ppv licence
Will get it. So if that is the entry standard what do you expect ?

Anonymous said...

My dear beloved cousin The Late Rex Nettleford said it best...'Butu in a Benz'. Nuff said.

Anonymous said...

They need to take away his license for good👹

Anonymous said...

Corruption is the root of our problem! If, we the People, would like to take our back OR move it forward we MUST deal with the monster called CORRUPTION!!
That man understands the corrupt system that is why he can speak like that. Remember that $5,000.00 fine that caused a high ranking Police officer to lose his job?? Corruption was at the root of that situation.
Mout mek fi tawk anyting! Mek im gwaan! Let us rid our country of the strangle hold of corruption, let us educate our people and these situations will cease to be.

Anonymous said...

I am listening to hear if other people going to follow this idiot we need discipline in our country can't let these unruly people do just what they want to do

Anonymous said...

You should be arrested for sedition.

Anonymous said...

I meant, He should be arrested for sedition.

Anonymous said...

With so many charles it should be jail time!! He's not going to pay fines anyway so govt should protector passengers by raking him office the road asap!

Anonymous said...

Who is he ? You couldn't put it any better Mr Derby, we need orde in this country NOW!! It's too much and it's getting out of hand, if you were ticketed wrongfully contest it and stop causing chaos. Most of you operators driving like crazy and killing off people, turn on the lights when not to, stopping on pedestrians , driving on the soft shoulders and the list goes on, and when get caught you need leniency, rubbish

Anonymous said...

Ouch! However; that minister is not in that ministry anymore. So this one should be a whole lot better.

Anonymous said...

Am still trying very hard to figure out, why we having a meeting on Tuesday and yet we having strike on Monday or is that the government has dropped the ball and was now trying to save face?🤔. Somebody talk to me!

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