Wednesday 26 June 2024

Circumstances Surrounding Journalist Jon Nelson's Death was a Major Fake News?

Job Nelson

We were told that well-known journalist Job Nelson who worked for the Jamaica Gleaner, was shot and killed earlier this year, and now we are hearing a different story!

Today, Wednesday, June 2024, the report on page 1, the Gleaner headline screams 'Airbag, not bullet, killed veteran Gleaner journalist'

This story has moved from being killed by a gun to being killed by an airbag? This must be the most incredible changing story of the century.

The story in the Gleaner states initially Nelson was shot and killed at a traffic light along Spanish Town Road near St. Andrew Technical High School on May 21, after leaving work.

Today's Gleaner report is now saying that the post-mortem found that Nelson was wounded by a metal object which was discharged with 'immense force' from the airbag in his car after it crashed along Spanish Town Road. How did the post-mortem prove that the metal object came from the airbag? If it came from the airbag, family members must sue the car manufacturers. Was an announcement made in Jamaica about the recall of these airbags? Do we have more cars like that in Jamaica?

Officer Fitz Bailey said the doctors thought Nelson had gotten a gunshot. Am I to believe that doctors now rely on just what they think? We are certainly in a serious state of affairs. Who released that initial report? Did the police or the doctors release that report?

This will no doubt lead to decreased confidence in our public officials. Someone needs to give the nation a proper explanation as to what the investigations and the autopsy showed. I have already received a response from a diaspora member who finds this matter ludicrous.

The Press Association of Jamaica (PAJ) came out and condemned the killing, the world got the news that a journalist was killed in Jamaica, and now we understand that this was all Fake News!!!

Somebody dropped the ball. Who will be held accountable? 




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Anonymous said...

No one will be held accountable. That's why a sharp object from the airbag is blamed for causing the death of Mr. Nelson.
Now, to validate what could cause a sharp object to come from the airbag needs expert examination of car and airbag. The findings will help to place responsibility for cause of death.
After saying all of that, I can not deny that his death looks suspicious and that the family should insist upon a proper investigation. But who can the family trust to do that investigation?

Anonymous said...

🤔this doesn't sound good, sounds similar to a case a few months ago, when the police reported one thing then the pathologist gave a different report . I really hope they get to the bottom of this ,

Anonymous said...

That's not true at all! Please be careful not to share fake news, it can cause a lot of distress.

Anonymous said...

So why they put that dangerous thing in the air bag so we can have more people died that way

Anonymous said...

Wow really so sad👹

Anonymous said...

The pathologist should have been able to determine the true cause of death there is a difference between a bullet from a gun and the components of an air bag the maker of the air bag for that car involved in the accident maybe the one to have a case against whoever made such ridiculous claim. V don’t forget the lady who they claimed died in her sleep only to go back and ruled she died by gunshots this is unbelievable

Anonymous said...

I know Honda had issued an advisory regarding metal detection in airbags. The public was invited to take the suspected models to a dealer and have the checked. A clearance certificate would have been issued

Micspen said...

Lucky they never say "he self strangulated".
A new one perhaps
"he was airbaguated".

Micspen said...

Is there any metal inside the airbag to kill someone.
My investigations reveal the following:

Yes, airbags contain a small amount of metal components, but they are not designed to kill someone.
The metal components are typically:

1. *Steel or aluminum housing*: The airbag module contains a metal housing that holds the inflator and airbag.
2. *Inflator*: The inflator is a small metal cylinder that contains propellant material, which ignites to deploy the airbag.
3. *Metal fragments*: During deployment, the inflator can break apart, releasing small metal fragments.

However, these metal components are not designed to cause penetration injuries or kill someone.
Modern airbags are designed with safety features to minimize the risk of metal fragments causing harm, such as:

1. *Shielding*: The airbag module is typically shielded to contain metal fragments.
2. *Inflator design*: Inflators are designed to minimize metal fragmentation.
3. *Airbag material*: Airbags are made of a durable, tear-resistant material that helps contain metal fragments.

While it is theoretically possible for metal fragments to cause injuries or fatalities, this is extremely rare and usually occurs in combination with other factors, such as:

- Severe crashes
- Improper seatbelt use
- Occupant positioning
- Airbag malfunction

Airbag manufacturers prioritize safety, and rigorous testing ensures that airbags meet strict safety standards.

A more rigorous pathology investigation and report should ensue.

Anonymous said...

I believe a clear distinction can be made between the metal from a bullet and the fragment of parts from an airbag. Pictures must have been taken, metalurgic anslysis of the fragment can give an accurate conclusion of where the metal came from that killed Nelson. Some may remember the metal disc that nearly killed Reagan was a bullet flattened by the door of the car that sliced through his jacket and the side of his chest so discretely his Secret Service Detail never knew he was shot until he started fading from what was internal bleeding. I believe we are so atuned to gun violence that we might be prone to conclude on such as the cause of death. Many of us have airbags in our cars to save our lives that the last thing we wish to believe is that they can be lethal. Let us not rubbish the findings of our scientists to describe their science as ridiculous. If it is a piece of metal from the airbag then a recall might be necessary to save other lives.

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