Thursday 6 June 2024

A Tribute To Lois Grant From a Bark Di Trute Supporter

The following email was sent by  Everett Smith

I extend my heartfelt condolences to you on the passing of Lois Grant. Though I never had the pleasure of meeting her in person, I followed her insightful and masterfully written contributions to Vernon Derby’s Bark Di True Blog. Her articles were a testament to her command of the English language and her dedication to the high standards of old-school journalism, where mediocrity had no place.

I was fortunate to have tuned into her conversation with Vernon Derby on Spot On recently, which I thoroughly enjoyed. It was evident that Lois had a passion for her craft and made a significant impact through her work.

As Shakespeare once said, "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players." Lois played her part with excellence and integrity, leaving a lasting legacy. Walk good, Lois. You have made a valuable contribution to your country and will be remembered fondly.

With deepest sympathy!

Very truly yours,

Everett Algernon Smith, Esq.
Law Offices of Everett Algernon Smith, P.A.
P.O. Box 8487
Coral Springs, FL 33075
Tel: 954-693-3566
Fax: 954-475-2122



Letna Allen-Rowe O.D said...

Lois Grant was a first rate phenomenal woman who did not minced her words. She was forthright, courageous, and a tallawah, type of woman, who was greatly admired in her circles and beyond. She had such great command of the English language, such eloquence, when she speaks it warms your heart. Lois you have in your life time done yoeman's task to help and support the people of your country Jamaica, your family, your friends and associates. You've gone on before, Walk Good mi darling. You will be sadly missed. Condolences to your family, friends, associates. RIEP.
Letna Allen-Rowe OD
Toronto Ontario

Jen said...

A strong an powerful woman my deepest condolences I was so shock when I heard this strength to the family.

Anonymous said...

Met her through your blog. It was so refreshing to read her articles. She shone bright and like a beautiful flower never stopped blooming. Her language was simple, clear and sophisticated. Her writings and expressions were sheer works of art that kept me reading and listening. She will be greatly missed. So happy she used the time , talents and resources God gave her. Rest in sweet peace Loi

Anonymous said...

It was and still is a shock to hear of my cousin's passing. On Saturday I had two whatsapp messages. One wishing me a happy new month and the other wishing me good morning. She was such a cheerful person. I commented how well she was looking only a few months ago.
The family here in the UK are still reeling in shock. I was salivating at her mango tree and looking forward to meeting up in a few months time. My sister saw her last week. Thank you for sharing those interesting blogs. RIP dear Lois. Love to the rest of the family. Beverly

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