Saturday 29 June 2024

ODPEM Issues Statement on Tropical Storm Beryl

The Following is a Press Release From The Office of ODPEM - 2024/06/29:

Richard Thompson - Acting Director of ODPEM

The Office of Disaster Preparedness & Emergency Management (ODPEM) wishes to advise the public that we are monitoring the development of Tropical Storm Beryl which was located near latitude 9.8 degrees North, longitude 45.5 degrees West. Tropical Storm Beryl is moving toward the west near 33 km/h. A relatively quick westward to west-north-westward motion is expected during the next few days. On the forecast track, the system is expected to move across the Windward Islands late Sunday night and Monday.

Maximum sustained winds have increased to near 85 km/h with higher gusts. Additional steady to rapid strengthening is expected during the next couple of days, and Beryl is expected to become a hurricane tonight or Sunday.

Tropical Storm Beryl is not an immediate threat to Jamaica at this time, however the ODPEM is advising the public to put themselves in a frame of mind to take the following precautionary measures if the need arises.

  1. Check thoroughly the roof of your house, hurricane shutters, hooks and latches and repair where necessary. 
  2. Make sure you have emergency equipment in your home. These include water boots, raincoats, flashlights, batteries, portable radio, kerosene lamps and matches. 
  3. Trim trees that hang over your house and other buildings for those that touch power lines call the Jamaica public service 
  4. Be ready to evacuate if you live in low-lying or flood-prone areas. Decide early on evacuations route Avoid flooded water-ways i.e. fords, gullies, streams or rivers, either on foot or in vehicles. 
  5. Ensure that all important documents are secured in plastic bags or waterproof containers. 
  6. Turn off all electrical power, gas and water supplies in areas that are in immediate danger from flooding.
  7. Avoid areas with damaged roadways. 
  8. Avoid where necessary areas prone to landslide & flooding. 
  9. In case of extensive rainfall avoid going on the road except where absolutely necessary. 
  10. Make sure your emergency kit is stocked and includes non-perishable food, cash, charging devices, a flashlight and batteries in case of power outages. 
  11. Check in with friends, family and neighbours to see if older adults and people with disabilities need assistance. 
  12. Don’t forget the needs of your pets. Shelters do not take household pets, so remember to create a plan and have supplies available for your animals.

Also, remember the following

  • Hurricane Watch: Hurricane conditions are possible within the next 48 hours.
  • Tropical Storm Watch: Tropical storm conditions are possible within the next 48 hours.

Hurricane & Tropical Storm Warning

  • Hurricane Warning: Sustained winds above 74 mph associated with a hurricane are expected to affect a specified area within 24 hours. 
  • Tropical Storm Warning: Sustained winds of 39–73 mph associated with a tropical storm are expected to affect a specified area within 24 hours
The public is being asked to continue to monitor the media space for further advisories and should take the necessary safety precautions as issued by the ODPEM, Metrological Service of Jamaica. The ODPEM will continue to monitor and provide the public with information as they become available.


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Anonymous said...

Noted with thanks.

Anonymous said...

Ok noted thanks๐Ÿ˜

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this. Look forward to other updates!

Anonymous said...

Noted with thanks ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ

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